Mar 15, 2004 15:06
I am sitting here wait for some peeps to get out of school and get online to chat with me but this weekened was not fun at all i went o lakaylas the people i babysit for and well let me tell u the story well me and destiny and lakarra and kiley and destinys grandma and bless were sitting in des room watching tv and lakarra and kiley were jumping up and down on the top bunk and we did not know that bless was up there and all of a sudden he falls off and hits his head on the end of the tv stand and here he is gushing blood and we had no phone to call the ambulance so there goes des and her brother running down the street with no shoes on to save there brother and then her grandma and grandpa were like we will just take the slug bug so they took him to the hospital and me and des were at home just a crying and we could not stop untill we went and called kayla on her cell phone to see if he was all right and she said yea he is just going to have some stiches he got 12 stiches the one that disolve under the ones that they have to take out... so we did not go to the movies so now me and my mom will go this weekened together but this weekened was horible and i was scared well i am going to bounce well peace out LOVE YALL