WOOO!! finally have the time for a quick update :D

Jul 16, 2009 19:01


I went to London last friday.  Up at 6am with a fucking hangover (very bad idea!) to travel for 6 hours on a coach .

But it was ssooooooo worth it!

That friday I went to see.....


It was the most amazing concert ever!! (Ruling out HIM of course ;) )

I was front row!

Chad looked straight at me, winked and blew a kiss!! (I think I may have just orgasmed on the fucking spot lol!)

Although I got twatted over the head and some guy grinded his dick in my ass, I didn't mind, cause the concert was fucking EPIC!

then afterwards, they did a DJ set, with Jess choosing all the music!  and it was over 18's only!  so thank fuck i am now 18 lol!

When i was waiting for the people to clean up the venue ready for the DJ set, Matt (The Bassist) walked out of the building and signed autographs and had pictures....I got both :P

When i got into the venue, I got my £3.40 (WTF so expensive!) pint of beer and rocked out, until I saw CHAD!!  So I got my picture taken with him.  But so many people kept interupting him when he wanted to do the picture with me, so he kept saying "Sorry!" and giving me hugs! but i got the picture in the end xD although my camera went fucking blurry and i looked like shit xD

So for a thank you, I offered some of my very expensive beer to Chad and he downed half of it!! (I even kept the glass xD)

and after that, I downed the rest and went to get another beer, only to notice, Jess was stood RIGHT NEXT TO ME!!  so i got a couple of pictures, but didn't bother him whilst he got a drink lol

then he went back up to his DJ spot and played some paradise lost and motorhead.  then he came back downstairs and i finally got my picture with him :P three times.....cause i didn't know my camera was actually working xD

then we went to talk to Chad a little more when Jess had to go back up.  I got Abbie a birthday hug from him and he signed my tit xD then i had the good idea to get it tattooed, with his permission of course :D  he thought it was an awesome Idea, so i went ahead and did it, so now i had Cig cky on me forever!! woooooo!!!

unfortunately we had to leave early cause of the trains we had to catch, but we did meet some rather awesome Londoners on the tube that loved our Lancashire accents xD

fun times!!

but on the way back to the hotel....

I lost my wallet that had about £120 in it!! but i was too happy to even care, still don't xD

now...photos lol! i do look like shit lol, i was covered in my own and everyone else's sweat, beer and other things lol

I lost this along with my wallet :(

He pulled that face at last second xD

It was practically full until Chad drank it xD

Jess Dj-ing

Yes, he was stood next to me xD

Me and Jess!! (this was the second take xD)  He's really tall!

(third take lol)  Loving the Don Vito shit xD

Taking sneaky pics of Chad, whilst stood next to him talking to him.

I love Chad's SMILE!! and the KISS shirt he's wearing lol!

Stood next to Chad XD

The Caption I came up with....: Someone swiped his beer at last second....orrr invisible beer xD

When Chad signed my boob xD

Wow...it's a miracle! I look okay on this pic xD  tattoo!

That's it for now.  more when Abz uploads her pics!


tattoo, cky, camden, london, pictures

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