He's What I go to school for- Chapter 18

Jul 29, 2008 16:41

Title: He’s What I Go To School For
Author: Kimmi
Pairing: Vam
Summery: Ville is the school Goth freak who no ones pays attention to, let alone knows he exists.  But when the bullying starts to increase is there any point in staying in school, well there is when he meets his new Media teacher.
Disclaimer:  I do not own them -although I wish I did- As real as Ville’s tiny pecker xD
A/N: New story! I was just so bored while waiting to fall asleep last night that I just started thinking about how hot teacher and student Vam relationships are xD

Chapter 1/ Chapter 2/ Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 / Chapter 10 / Chapter 11 / Chapter 12 / Chapter 13 / Chapter 14 / Chapter 15 / Chapter 16 / Chapter 17

[Hello my dears! yes finally updating xD i've had this chapter written for ages aswell lol.  Anyway, updates won't be up as often, cause i have another story started on AFF.  I'm not sure how many more chapters this is gunna be but it might be like another 10 or so ^_^ anyways enjoy!

I let out a small laugh, starting to walk down the stairs.  Obviously seeing my retreating form, he gave a little whimper, as if he was a small lost dog.  I turned to him, seeing the most adorable sight in front of me.  He gave the cutest puppy dog look you could ever imagine.

His sapphire eyes sparkled with fake tears, his bottom lip was stuck out slightly, trembling.  I tilted my head at the sight, giving him an apologetic look.

“Baby, we have to greet your friends” I told him, voice as soft as a whisper.

“But I want Willa sex!” He whined, shaking his head and starting to throw a tantrum like a child would if his mother wouldn’t buy him a certain toy.   I shook my head once more, turning away and starting to walk down the stairs.

And people say I’m a child. Age has nothing to do with this, I’m the fucking mature one I laughed in my head, saying my greeting to April as I saw her walk by with a couple of beers in hand.

I went to grab on of the said beers out of her hands, pouting when she pulled it away from me.

“I’m not being responsible for getting a 15 year old boy drunk, you are already doing something you shouldn’t be”  She gave me a stern look and I grunted, turning around.  I went down to pirate bar where all different kinds of alcohol lay out in front of me, on the island.

I eyed the bottle that was marked  ‘Jack Daniels’ on the black and white label.  I picked it up, eying the caramel-ly colour of the liquid.  I read the label once more, seeing that it was whiskey, I unscrewed the cap, raising the bottle to me lips.

The liquid instantly burned my mouth, quickly swallowing it and making my insides tingle with the burn of the liquid.  I liked it, it was very different from beer but it was nice.  It had a nice oaky taste to it, I wondered it all whiskeys were like that.

I took another sip from the bottle, taking too much into my mouth as I heard Novak enter the room.  I swallowed the large mount of alcohol in my mouth and turned to face the druggie.  I eyed his appearance, he didn’t look too bad, but I still loved my Bammie of course.

“Lookin’ good babe” He said to me, a wink accompanying his words.  He moved towards me, taking the bottle out of my hand and placing it to his lips like I had done.  He took a few big gulps, obviously intending on getting wasted.

He placed the bottle back on the table, placing the cap back on firmly.  He leaned down to me, his hot breath ghosting over my ear.

“If you wasn’t with my best friend, I would fuck you right over this counter until you scream my name when you come” I felt his grin from where his mouth hovered over my ear.  Unfortunately for me, my cock had picked up on what he had said, suddenly feeling a slight attraction to the man.

I was going to answer, I wasn’t even sure what I was going to say, but just as I opened my mouth to speak, Bam had appeared at the bottom of the stairs.

“What were you two talking about?”  He asked, suddenly much happier then when I left him.

He definitely took a wank before he came down I grinned at the thought, backing away from Novak as I felt his hand move from the counter where he steadied himself, to the small of my back, trying to move downwards.

I kicked his ankle, trying to send him a message saying “Fuck off, I have Bam”.  I could tell the man was already intoxicated and I was sure he didn’t even care that Bam was here, as his lips suddenly attached to my neck.

I tried backing away once more, only to be pinned between the counter and Novak’s drunken body.   I looked to my Bammie, seeing his face etched with hurt.   I raised my eyebrows at him, sending him a look of ‘Can you please get this idiot off me?’ and tried to push the man off me again.

All Bam could do was turn away, walking back up the stairs.  I was confused, suddenly feeling the energy I needed, throwing the intoxicated man from my body, making him fall to the floor.

I ran up the stairs, into the living room, not seeing Bam anywhere.

I saw April passed by me, suddenly grabbing her arm and forcing her to look at me “Have you seen Bam?” I panted out, feeling another fucking asthma attack coming on.

She nodded and pointed to the patio doors “He’s gone for a cigarette” She stated, screwing her face up as she smelt the alcohol on my breath “I thought I told you no alcohol” She gave me a disappointed look, placing her hand on her hip and waiting for an answer.

I didn’t give her one, just simply gave her an apologetic look before running out of the patio doors.  I looked around, not seeing Bam anywhere.

I suddenly felt my pants being dragged from my hips.  My jaw dropped, feeling the breeze of the Pennsylvanian summer night on my half-hard cock.  Why must I go commando?

I couldn’t do anything, I was frozen on the spot from shock and surprise, suddenly hearing Bam’s voice yell “DE-KEG!!” with a loud laugh.  Before I even could pick my pants from the fall, I saw six or more men jump out from inside the house onto the patio, squirting me with water guns.

It didn’t feel extremely nice when I felt the really cold water hit my cock and ass.  When all the water had run out, the men all stood around, laughing their heads off at the awkward situation.

I saw Bam smirking from the corner of my eye, pulling my pants up and storming inside.  My cheeks were red hot, despite the cold from the water.  I ran straight upstairs, slamming the door and collapsing on the bed, not giving a shit whether I was soaked head to toe or not.

My cheeks burned from the embarrassment of the situation.  All of Bam’s friends had just seen my pride and joy, My manhood.   That shit was for two pairs of eyes only, mine and Bam’s.

I started to sob from the embarrassment running through my veins, face dug deep into the pillow.   I heard the door open slightly, a soft laugh echoing throughout the room.

“Sorry Willa” He let out another strangled laugh, obviously trying to keep the sound from erupting from his throat, only to come out louder.   He moved into the room, closing the door behind him.

“Go away!” I shouted, voice muffled by the pillow pressed to my mouth.

“Oh come on, that was the funniest shit I’d seen in a long time”  He laughed softly, stroking my soaking wet hair that was stuck to my neck, making shivers run down my spine.

“For you it was! Fuck, Bam, I was humiliated!” I sobbed harder, not removing my face from the pillow once.

“Ville, people have given you a new nickname” He laughed, running his finger tips over the small amount of flushed cheek he could see.

I raised my head from the pillow and scowled at him “What?” I asked, slightly irritated.

“It’s more of a compliment than an insult just so you know.” He laughed.  I gave him a look to urge him on “From now one you’re going to be named Donkey-Dick” He laughed, pointing to my cock, still not properly tucked away into my pants.

“I’d rather not be” I gave a small laugh, wiping the tear trails from my cheeks.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let them.” He smiled, wiping away some of the smudged eyeliner on my cheek “You’re so beautiful, baby” His gaze connected with mine softly, finger tracing over my lips and then to stroke some small locks of my hair.

“I wrote a song about you” I smiled, one of my hands reaching under the pillow to reveal my elegant handwriting scribbled across a piece of lined paper.

Just one look into you eyes,
One look and I’m crying
‘Cause you’re so beautiful

Just one kiss and I'm alive
One kiss and I'm ready to die
'Cause you're so beautiful

Just one touch and I'm on fire
One touch and I'm crying
'Cause you're so beautiful

Just one smile and I'm wild
One smile and I'm ready to die
'Cause you're so beautiful

Oh and you're so beautiful
My darling
Oh you're so beautiful
You're so beautiful
Oh my baby
You're so beautiful
And you're so beautiful
Oh my darling
Oh my baby
And you're so beautiful

I sang the lyrics to him, seeing his eyes well up with tears that were threatening to fall.  When my voice had stopped singing, the room was quiet, only the occasional sniff came from Bam’s direction.

I looked to him, seeing him wipe another tear away “That was perfect” He said, taking me into his arms.

I looked up to him, eyebrows furrowed as I studied his features “Why did you do that to me?”

He looked down to me and smiled.  I took it as a sign of mischievousness and backed away, not liking the look in his eyes, not one bit.

[Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed.  If you did please comment, if you hated it, please tell me and I'll try to improve ^_^ construstive criticism is always welcome.  BYE!]


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