Elbow at Southend Cliffs Pavillion!! - 01/03/09 - supported by The Acorn

Nov 22, 2009 18:04

- Jonathan and I were staying with mates in Southend who lived very close to the venue thankfully, so this was The Night where we could wait outside afterwards and try to meet them, since we wouldn't be on any time restrictions!

- The Acorn were magnificent. Few support bands catch my attention enough that I investigate their music afterwards, but this was one of them. Their music has real momentum which makes me feel like I'm travelling somewhere. Also I think they have done for the ukelele what Bowerbirds have done for the accordian!

- Elbow were of course brilliant as ever. We get lots of grins and nods from Guy now because he's seen us all over the place. :D At one point they asked who in the crowd was from Southend, then pointed at Jonathan and said "I know you're not, I've seen you all over the country!" heehee.

- They played Any Day Now!!! First time I'd seen it live!! :D :D

- Guy swapped his ingot of pure aluminium for some McGreggor-style drums in Grounds For Divorce.

- Switching Off made a re-appearance in the set! :D

- Jonathan, Frances and I waited around afterwards by the stage door in the hopes of getting to see the band. We got to talk to a couple of the guys from the Acorn, Mike and Jeff, who were really nice. I made a really lame joke after asking if 'Jeff' was spelt with a J or G (ie. Jeff or Geoff), I also said "And Mike with an... M?"... they laughed politely, haha. Frances found Tom Piper too, Elbow's tour manager, and asked him to let the band know we were outside. Actually I was hoping they'd invite us in as it was *really* cold outside!

- Their two big tour busses were outside at the back, first tour busses I have seen, hehe.

- Various crew members were packing up outside. We saw the strings girls, bit shy to really speak to them but Amy said they always recognise Jonathan at the front and love how enthusiastic he gets about the music, especially New Born, bouncing around and such. I wish I was a bit more recognisable but I'm too short! *sulk*

- Craig was around for a bit too and he chatted to us, he did actually remember us from Delamere which was nice. I mentioned that now I had seen Scattered Black & Whites live, the new top of my list for songs I wanted to see live was Asleep In The Back. He seemed surprised at that, like they'd never even considered playing it since the early days. Oh he also said (looking at my notes on my Facebook photos, thank goodness for those) that in his opinion Switching Off is the best song they've ever written. :)

- A lot later, Guy appeared and came over to chat to us and he brought out a setlist of Elbow's "drink requirements" for us 'cause he thought it would make us laugh. If that man was any lovelier I think it would kill me! ♥ After talking to us he went into their tour bus for a bit. I was so tempted to ask to have a look inside it but that would have been a bit too weird all round, hurhur.

- We hung around a little bit after Guy left, don't know why, but just as Jonathan and I were leaving and walking past the front of the venue we bumped into Guy again and Mark, so we said goodnight and smiled at them, they said goodnight and smiled back. Mark was so cute especially, first time I'd spoken to him! He's the shy one of the lot, at Delamere for example we got to speak to all of the band except Mark who was hidden away at the afterparty.

- I found out later on that on the Finest Hour that was broadcast the same night of the gig, Guy had finally played one of my Song Foy Guys!! :D :D It was Rodrigo y Gabriela - Diablo Rojo. Not only that but he had been aware of them previously and they had slipped out of his subconscious, so since I had re-introduced them to him he had gone out and bought their album, and went on to play Juan Loco on Finest Hour a few weeks later. :D


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