Dropping Balls

Mar 24, 2015 14:49

Originally published at Kimberly Sabatini. You can comment here or there.

My blogging has been sporadic at best.

I’m trying to get my act together. But the truth is I’m dropping balls left and right LOL! Somedays I drop the laundry ball…one of my favorites to “drop.”

Other days I drop the eat breakfast ball. Crap! Did I really manage to leave the house without eating? Cause I won’t be back for 4 hours. *checks to rearview mirror to be sure all three boys and dog made it into the car*

I also tend to drop the “getting the dishes done ball” until they start climbing out of the sink. Or something starts to smell.

Additionally, the kids were moaning yesterday, because I dropped the “get the groceries they wanted ball.”  (PLEASE get the GOOD bread for sandwiches, school snacks, cranberry juice and dessert for God’s sake!)

And now *insert giggle* (I have to giggle because it keeps me out of full on panic mode.) I’ve got a spring break trip coming up in the future and my “pet, boys and personal preparations balls” looks something like this…

Need I say more? You get the picture. But there is some really good news. I haven’t dropped the “writing ball.” I’m never as fast as I want to be, but I’m happy with my progress, so the high from that, makes it easier to maneuver around all the other balls scattered all over the floor LOL!

I’ve also been reading a ton, thanks to audiobooks. It’s my bonus when I’m walking the pup and throwing an actual ball. And this is not just entertaining multitasking. Every book I read is a master class in how to be a better writer-and often a better person. And just to prove how awesome it is to drop the “household chores balls” instead of the “reading balls.” Here’s a quote from one of the best books I’ve read in awhile…

“That which we manifest is before us; we are the creators of our own destiny. Be it through intention or ignorance, our successes and our failures have been brought on by none other than ourselves.”
― Garth Stein, The Art of Racing in the Rain

I don’t know about you, but despite all the balls all over the floor, it feels like I’m manifesting something great.

What are you manifesting at the moment? What’s the “best” ball you’ve dropped recently?

pondering, kim sabatini, kimberly sabatini, reading, writing

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