Breaking Out the Inner Holiday Elf-Share Your Most Epic Holiday Failure/Success This Year

Dec 12, 2013 02:00

Originally published at Kimberly Sabatini. You can comment here or there.

He’s back…

It’s that time of year again-time to break out my inner holiday elf. Who’s that you ask? It’s the little guy who gets all the important holiday stuff done when all I want to do is sit on the couch and watch Christmas specials while sipping hot chocolate. Thank goodness he got here just in time-after having the 10yo home on the couch for a week I was way, way, way behind in my Christmas preparations. Cuddling with the 10yo and catching up on old TV was a nice break after the mind numbing month of November with NaNoWriMo, a dance recital and everyone over for Thanksgiving dinner. In fact it may have actually been kind of blissful. But this year, because of a late Thanksgiving, Christmas feels like it’s taking the Express Train into town. There really isn’t a minute to spare!

And even though I should be wrapping or shopping or cleaning or cooking right now, because I love you, I’ve asked my inner holiday elf to help me make some time to start a support group. A place where we can all go to unload, but also find inspiration. So, in the comments be sure to tell us your Most Epic Holiday Failure This Year (but don’t worry, you still have time to turn it around) then also tell us how you’ve kicked some holiday elven ass. Keep the Most Epic Holiday Success This Year stories coming. They are the driving force we (by we I mean me)  need for motivation. Maybe a few of your good ideas will help me make it to the finish line without looking like the Heat Miser.

Just to be fair, I’ll start…

Kim’s Most Epic Holiday Failure This Year: I packed all the freaking light-up garland in the storage unit because we were supposed to be moving in October. But now we’re moving mid-January and all that piney, twinkly garland is under an mongo-stack of stuff and it just ain’t coming out. I don’t care how pouty little boy faces can look. Bah-humbuggy on that. Your kids-USE YOUR IMAGINATION.

Kim’s Most Epic Holiday Success This Year: Usually at Thanksgiving (this year I switched so Christmas it is) I make my Grandma’s apple pie. Before she died she taught me how to do it and I’m now the maker of the pies. The keeper of the pie legacy if you will. I make pies I don’t particularly crave myself. I like them, but I’m a chocoholic, so I can live with out the pie. BUT-everyone in the family wants this apple pie and I get that-it is pretty awesome as far as pies go. BUT-the crust is my nemesis. In fact, it’s the reason I HATE making the apple pie. But this year-*bounces up and down on toes*-I accidentally (thank you gods of the turkey pot pie adventure…I love you!) found a pre-made, organic crust that tastes sooooooo good. Like Grandma’s but without me throwing a rolling pin across the room in a cloud of flour. So, this Christmas I am going to use this pie crust to make a gorgeous, low-stress, tastes just like Grandma’s apple pie and I’m going to enjoy the experience. It will be a yummy pile of cinnamon, apple, doughy, sweetness. And since my mother has admitted she hasn’t turned on her computer in three months we are going to see if she notices. DO NOT TELL!!!!-I vow to let you know if she notices and also the minute she catches up on my blog posts LOL!

All right-get out your Inner Holiday Elf and let the stories rip!

epic failure, check-it-out, inner holiday elf, family, pondering, kim sabatini, kimberly sabatini, epic success, fun and games

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