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At this point, a few people have read TOUCHING THE SURFACE and have asked if it’s going to be made into a movie. (How awesome is that?) My typical answer is that I have no idea, but wouldn’t that be an amazing thing? At the end of the day, I figure the better the book does, the more likely it is that someone would be interested in the TTS movie rights. What you should know though, is that it’s complicated. Fortunately for me, Jackson Pearce has a lovely vlog concisely telling you how it all works, which allows me to save some time explaining it to you. And by reposting her made-of-awesome video, I can hop into bed and read more good books that might someday be made into movies. Lights, camera, action!
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What’s your favorite book adapted to a movie? What’s the most hideous adaption that you know of? What book would you love to see on the big screen? What book would be ruined for you if it was ever to be made into a movie?