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I did an interview yesterday and one of the questions was…what’s your favorite cover?
I was a little stumped. I clearly know how covers effect me. People say we shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover, but I’m aware of the impact the “right” cover can have on me. It plays a huge role in what I gravitate towards. Now, having said that, there isn’t a crappy cover out there that would stop me from reading a highly recommended book. But what if the concept is reversed and we judge a book solely on it’s cover? What happens if we take out the pages-erase the story-and just stare at that cover as if it was a piece of art? Which covers would be your favorites
*cover montage taken from Goodreads
As I pondered the interview question, I really struggled with picking one. I eventually decided on THE GIVER by Lois Lowry-which is also my favorite book. I thought about how I felt about the book when my high school teacher handed out our copies in class. I was intrigued by the uniqueness of it-by the emotion and mystery on the elderly man’s face. It was something I hadn’t seen before and something about it felt important compared to the other types of books I’d been reading. But would I still be saying that now if I hadn’t read the copy flap? If I hadn’t fallen in love with the book? I’m not sure.
What I do know is that I’m still thinking about it-pondering what I find to be visually stunning-apart from the words that are attached to it. My mind is still turning and I have a couple more in mind, but I was wondering what is your favorite cover and why? Can you separate the visual from the words? Or are they in inexplicably linked for you? Have you ever adored a cover and NOT read the book? I’m curious-bring on the cover love.