Happy Anniversary-One Year with Michelle Wolfson and the Wolf Pack!

Jan 06, 2012 07:57

Today is my 1st Anniversary!!!  It's been one year since I signed with Michelle Wolfson of Wolfson Literary Agency and became part of the Wolf Pack.  I adore my agent and love my agency sistahs!!!  Without a doubt, this is the perfect place for me.

It's my tendency to write something emotional on such a momentous occasion, but right now I want to have a smile on my face as I enjoy how lucky I am.  I need to celebrate.  Time to shop!!!!  I just ordered this...

...from Cafe Press.  I can't wait for it to get here!!!!!  Wahoooooo!!!!!!

Want to be part of the celebration? In honor of my Wolf Pack Anniversary, feel free to ask any questions you'd like about the process of landing an agent.  I'll do my best to give you a helpful answer.  Or you can just join me in raving about how wonderful Michelle is.  <3

Don't forget that you can follow Michelle Wolfson on Twitter--seriously, you don't want to miss it!  You can also find my Wolf Pack twitter list HERE.  Come and hang with the Pack!

agent, touching the surface, ya writer, anniversary, wolfson literary, michelle wolfson, ya novel, ya author, kim sabatini, wolf pack, kimberly sabatini, ya books

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