Freaky Friday-Interview with aspiring children's author Holly Dodson

Jan 21, 2011 17:01

If you’ve seen the movie Freaky Friday, you know that its premise is about change and growth through role reversal. For my Friday Blog entry I thought it would be interesting to interview aspiring authors--writers who spend lots of time reading the interviews of published authors and dreaming of the day when they might get their book on the shelves...

Today's interview is with Holly Dodson.  Holly and I met on Book Blogs , a really interesting place for people who blog.  It's a great place to meet new people and make connections.  I can prove it to you--let me introduce you to Holly.

Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and when and why you started to write?

I'm a single mom who works full time and still makes the time to write. I love every minute of it! My son is three and is the absolute love of my life. Currently I am finishing up revisions on my second YA novel, which I hope to start shopping to agents this spring. Eee!

I have always loved the written word. From the time I could read I don't think I've ever been without a book by my side. Writing started for me in the form of keeping a journal. I can thank my English teachers for that! In high school I wrote many angsty poems and even a play trying to find my niche, but my first attempt at a novel came after my son was born. My life sort-of fell apart for a while there. My marriage failed and the only way I knew how to dig out was with my words. It's all history from there. Writing is my passion. It's as vital to me as the air I breathe and the kiddo who owns my heart.

That sounds great  So can you tell us a little bit about your YA's?  First a little bit about novel #1. Did you ever send it out?  What did you learn from it? Then of course we need to hear all about your WIP.

My first YA has been shelved for now.  It was an amazing learning experience, and the novel was the one I needed to write first.  I really found myself in it.  Plus, I met my wonderful critique partner because of it, and I don't know what I'd do without her.

My current WIP is titled BECAUSE SHE SAYS SO.  It is about sixteen-year-old Kate who is trapped in a fairy tale and must escape before she loses her identity, or winds up dead. 
Kate made a stupid wish to escape her life in favor of a fairy tale dream.  When the wish comes true, Kate begins to realize that fairy tale land isn’t what it’s cracked up to be.  Inside the story, she is bound by the words the God-like narrator speaks. The venomous Prince Charming is out to kill her, and there is no happily ever after in this magical kingdom of torture.

Now, getting out of the mess she created won't be nearly as easy as Kate thinks.

Ahhhh I love it!  Don't know if you're a Broadway fan, but it sounds like it has a touch of Into the Woods (one of my favorites) in it.  I LOVE the whole concept of the narrator playing a role.  Very cool. I always find the story behind the story interesting.  I know, in my own novel,  that the creative journey was long and twisted.  A real growing experience.  How did you find yourself in the world of BECAUSE SHE SAYS SO?  I'm also curious about how you came up with the title.

It's a pretty funny story.  When I was in college I dreamed about a girl who fell into a book.  I swore up and down it was from a movie trailer I had seen, and honest to goodness searched for it.  For years!  Finally last summer I decided to write the story of this girl who has haunted my dreams for so long.  I churned out a first draft in just a few weeks, and here we are.  The title comes into play with the narrator.  When she speaks the lines of the story, the characters are forced to do exactly what she says.

BTW-bravo to finding a crit partner.  I know how much I love mine.  Are you also a member of any other groups? SCBWI?

I am a member of SCBWI, YALitchat, and the Florida Writers Association.

I love your story.  I'm so glad you chased that dream down and I can't wait to read it. The concept leaves really fun visuals dancing across my eyes.

I know that there are several authors that have had a gigantic impact on me and while I LOVE their books, there is a lot more to the hero worship than just that.  In this age of technology and conferneces it is very easy to have access to an author in a way that was never possible before.  So, who has influenced you and how?

The one author who really inspired me from the start -- who inspired me to pick up my pen and write a novel in the first place -- J. K. Rowling.  I know, a lot of people probably say that, right?  But here's why:  We've shared a similar path.  She escaped an abusive marriage with her baby only to land in poverty, struggling to make ends meet, when she started writing Harry Potter.  Six months into writing, Jo lost her mother.  She said in an interview that her grief is reflected on every single page in the Harry Potter series.

I escaped an abusive marriage with my two month old son.  There was no money.  I started writing and the words flowed and flowed into my $0.10 spiral notebooks.  Then a month after I started my first YA novel, my younger brother died in a tragic accident.  Like Jo, every word on every page I write reflects that loss.

She inspires me to keep going.  To keep writing no matter what I face.

I am so glad I asked that question.  You need to give yourself a great big hug for being inspired and for taking that magic and turning it into something positive.  Last but not least-I need your top five books.

Thank you.  I'm very glad to be able to share my story with people.  I only hope it will one day inspire someone else along a similar path as me.


1.  HARRY POTTER, obviously, because of Jo Rowling.  The magnitude of her inspiration could count for all five, but I'll limit it to one. lol

2.  THE SPIRIT HUNTERS which is by my critique partner, Susan Dennard.  It's due out Summer of 2012 from HarperCollins Children's so you all can share in it's awesomeness.  Susan's novel really inspired me from the trenches of the hard work.  To watch it go from my critique notes, to Susan's amazing eye for revisions, to a big house publisher was one of the most awesome things I've ever been a part of.

3.  TROUBLING A STAR by Madeline L'Engle.  This is a book I read over and over and over again as a kid.  I couldn't get enough of it.  It really fostered my love of reading and the way it could transport me to other places and times.

4.  THE MISTS OF AVALON by Marion Zimmer Bradley.  Another book I would devour again and again.  It always left me feeling powerful, and like there was more to life than just going to school to learn stuff.  It really made me think about the impact I was having on the people around me.

5.  Last, but not least, DAUGHTER OF THE FOREST by Juliet Marillier.  I read this as an adult and again, the passion and the beauty of these words held me transfixed in a way few have.  Marillier inspires me to be a better writer, to have that poetic, twisting prose that pulls on your heartstrings.

Thank you for interviewing me!  It was fun to put to words all these meanings and reasons behind my writing.  :)

Holly, it was such a pleasure to get to know you and I'm looking forward to meeting you in person some time.  I appreciate you taking the time to stop over and get a little freaky. *grin*

If you would like to get to know more about Holly Dodson, you can check out her web site or her blog Super Mom Writes.

Just a little teaser...  I'm starting to interview book bloggers (because come on-- they are really cool) and Holly's sister Jessica is a "Baby" YA Book Blogger.  Her interview will be up next week.

freaky friday

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