so i'm typing this on one of my classroom laptops. my personal desktop decided to crap out on me in the middle of maybe the worst week of 2008 BUT there is a silver lining. while the power supply was dead, and the motherboard in a terminal coma, my hard drive just had a head cold. so all my files and pictures were saved and put into an external hard drive which i can use on any computer. so whatever system i end up going with after doing research, i haven't lost the last 3+ years of documents, music, and photos. time to ask dad to pull out his recent issues of consumer reports...
i finally finished anna karenina. i wasn't blown away. nor did i hate it. it was just FINE. 817 pages of fine. i was ready to move on. i am now reading in a sunburned country, a hilarious account of australia and all things from the land down under. i have laughed out loud probably 4 times already. after tolstoy, this may be just what the doctor ordered.
i love halloween, but sadly was not incredibly excited about it this year. this is mostly due to the fact that i didn't have a great costume planned. erin to the rescue! after brainstorming over dinner and leaving with the notion that i would have to be stoned to actually go to a halloween party dressed as gene wilder (how did we even come up with that?!), she sends me a link to an article of clothing with a lot of potential. so i have somewhat of a plan now and am getting more excited than i was. because halloween is really only about two things: candy and the costume.
also, while we don't dress up in typical halloween garb (witches, goblins, etc.) at my school (stupid p.c./religious/goodness-only-knows-why-at-this-point reasons , this year we can arrive dressed as a "storybook character". since i don't think my sexy red riding hood costume really counts as appropriate (ha!), i'm going to be a hogwarts student. gives me another chance to break out the gryffindor scarf and whatnot. i guess that technically means i'll be a witch. damn the man!
also next week is a big field trip to huntsville, dissecting owl pellets, and plenty of other distractions that i'm sure will keep us from accomplishing any legitimate work past tuesday in my classroom. not that i'm complaining!
auburn plays west virginia tomorrow. *cue high blood pressure, nervous stomach, and fingernail-biting*
at least we don't look like
these folks. that's an ole miss blogger reporting on his visit to tuscaloosa. enjoy the photos.