Apr 03, 2004 18:52
Okay, so I should be working on my 12-page corporate social responsibility paper that's due on Monday, but I don't really feel like it. My eyes are starting to blur and I'm getting pretty tired of thinking. I worked last night and actually made good money! I had about 8 tables total and made 87 before I had to tip out the bar and the server assistant a total of 8 dollars. Oh well, 79 is better than I usually make anyway. I had one table of 2 parents and 2 little girls that left me a 20 dollar tip. Booya!!!
OMG our apartment is a wreck! I cannot stand the way it looks right now. Boxes are everywhere and we sooo need to unpack. The thing is, I keep finding other stuff to do instead..like school stuff...going to work...sleeping...eating. Someday it'll get done...Oh yeah, last night Jill came home for her 2-3 am break from work and was cooking noodles and our smoke detector went off and woke me up. It scared me to death! That thing goes off if you take a shower and steam comes out the bathroom door. I hate it, but I don't think we're really supposed to disconnect it or anything...I'm sure if I did the next day the place would burn down or something. I'm pretty bored right now. I've been alone since 3:30 and I hate having the house to myself. Unlike some other roomies I prefer company and hanging out instead of shutting myself in my room...of course I share a room...and I do NOT have a tv, xbox, vcr, and computer in my room, so it's really isn't that great to be in there. I'm just waiting for Brian to come home so we can eat together. I am starving! I'm thinking about either trying a meatball sub from Fox's Pizza Den or spaghetti and meatballs from Pizza Hut. MMMM. Sooooo hungry. I smell our downstairs neighbor's popcorn. They had popcorn the other day too. Damn them for letting that yummy smell transcend into our apartment! Damn them!
Now I really cannot think of much more to type. I am putting off the inevitable...working on that damned paper. It wouldn't be so stressful if the professor didn't have a rule about not accepting any late assignments, even if they're only a minute late. Ugh. What a buttnugget. I just want to go to medieval times, universal studios, and enjoy my summer without school...or work...but that one's just wishful thinking...Hey, maybe if someone is actually reading this he or she will leave a comment...give me something to read besides books and articles on businesses being ethical...