Completely Pissed Off!!!

May 28, 2008 17:39

Argh!!!! Can life get any worse?? I think not...

Work won't stop phoning me, even though I've already told them that I can't worke due to the fact that I am babysitting...

Then theres the babysitting brother is a complete's not cause he's my brother, it's because I am in charge of him and have been told what to do them for tea, how long they are allowed on the PC, what games consoles they are allowed on, and what time they have to be back in if they go out (I have a sister too) My sister is content with going on the PC for a couple of hours (which is what they've been told) and then watch TV all night, but my brother keeps insisting that 'life isn't fair' because he wants longer on the PC, then he doesn't want what I've been told to give them for their tea, and then he wants to be on ever games console we own (though some of them aren't accessible to me)

Then comes the internet and buying online...I have just bought some softwear off the internet, they've taken the money off me, but have failed to give me my keycode (I have an email where it is supposed to be, but a faulty link that I am supposed to click to receive a new one) So I email the customer services, and they tell me that I have to wait 2-5 days before they read it, and another 1-3 days before I will get a reply...and knowing my luck, by that time it will be too late for me to do anything....

rant, ramble

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