
May 17, 2006 20:05

whats your name?: Kimberly Kristen Phillips
what do people call you?: Kim, Kimmi
where you named after anything?: no i dont think so
if you were born the oppisite sex what would your name be?: Jeffery Michael ( My parents wanted a boy, but got two girls.. Haha )
do people spell/say your name wrong?: some people spell it Kimm”y”
if you could change your name what would you change it to?: meh not to many ppl have my name so i wouldn change it
gender?: female
birthday?: February 19th, 1988
age?: 18
age you act?: depends.
age you want to be?: 21.
height?: 5'7
eye color?: brown
happy with it?: meh
natural hair color?: dirty blonde I think.. Not quite sure anymore
happy with it? Well i guess not or i wouldn die it..
righty or lefty?: righty
family?: mom,sister
pets?:cat and dog.. Izzy and Tanner
peircings?: nope.
tatoos?: not yet.
single?: nope.
who are you with, or who do you want to be with?: Will Francis
are you in love?: ya.
have you ever been in love, if so how many times?: thought i was be for, i was wrong..
do you believe in love at first sight?: sort of.
is it possible to be faithful to one person for ever?: yes.
do you want to get married?: yes.
do you want to have kids?: yeah
how many?: 2.. And only a year or two apart.. I hated having a sister 8 years older then me!.. n i would want to get it all over with.. Lol
do you believe in divorce?: yes.
do you belive in true love?: yes.
do you consider love a mistake?: no.
turn-ons?: smile! Lines!!!.. gotta have lines! N muscular backs!
turns-offs?: immaturity!! Cocky ppl!!
do you think the oppisite sex finds you attractive?:sure
what is best about the opposite sex?: they dont bitch about EVERYTHING! Or talk about EVERYONE, especially as soon as u leave! Girls are brutal.. We all know it
What is worst about the oppisite sex?: cockiness
are you a virgin?: no.
do you belive you should be in love to have sex?: no. there should be feelings for the person though.
how far have you gone?: all the way.
how many people have you had sex with?: 2
do other people consider you a slut?: dont think so
where are you?: in my basement living room
what can you see out your window?: the river and trees :)
are you listening to music?: yes.
are you lonely or tired?: tired. Soccer practise sucks!
In 5 words to decribe how you are feeling: tired. Hungry, anxious, hungry.. Lol and hungry! I want dinner!
are you talking to anyone online? if so who? Katy, Amanda, Sarah.. All about soccer lol
are you talking to anyone on the phone? if so who?: nope/noone.
what are you wearing?:soccer track pants, pink tank top n my glasses! Thats a first lol
what are you doing?: some quiz.
whats on your mousepad?: dont have one.
how many true friends do you have?: umm.. About 10, Will, Kyle, Jen, Stacey, Brianna, Lindsay, Jessica, Katy, Heather,Marcy
are you a loner?:no
who is your best friend?: Jenn Kirley
newest?: Stacey
shyest?:Lindsay.. By far
loudest?: Brianna or Will
ditziest?:Brianna .
who is the best listener?: Jenn and Will
do you prefer to hang out with one friend or a group of friends?: Group.
who do you wish you were closer to?: umm im pretty good with what i got
who knows the most about you?: Will
who knows the least about you?: Lindsay
who do you trust the most?:Jenn
the least?: i trust most of my friends equal, or they wouldn b my friends
who do you fight with the most?: Kyle
who do you talk to online the most?: Katy, Matt S.,Heather, Rachel G. ( my goalie.. Love her to bits )!!
who do you talk to on the phone the most?: Will
do you trust others easily?: Sometimes
name one who's arms you feel safe in: Wills
who house were you at last?:Wills .
who's your second family?: Jenns
who lives the farthest away?: heather.. In the T.
Do you...
smoke?: no.
drink alcohol?: yes.
do drugs?: no.
pray?: no.
go to church?: used to.
sleep with stuffed animals?: have them on the top of my head board.. Dont sleep with them tho
take walks in the rain?: yes.
dance in the rain?: sort of...
do any sports? if so which ones?:soccer
sleep around?: no.
lie a lot?: no.
steal?: no.
gamble?: scratch tickets
have you ever....
kissed a stranger?: yes.
slept with a stranger?: no.
spun until you were so dizzy you couldn't walk?: yes.screamed so much you lost your voice?: yes.. Wasnt good!
laughed so much it was painful?: yes.
cried so much it was painful?: yes.
gone skinny dipping?: yes.
played strip poker?: yes.
had a medical emergency?: yes. I live at the hospital apparently.. Lol
ran away from home?: almost..
done something extremely unexpected?:umm went out with will.. Lol
slept outside?: yes.
been onstage?: yes.
whats your biggest fear?: heights!
what was your weirdest dream?:have had a few
scariest dream?: too many.
do you have a reoccuring dream?: yes.
what was your best dream?: cant remember
do you live in the moment?: yes.
whats your greatest stregth?: im honest
whats your greatest weakness?: i care too much.
what motto do u live by?: do on to others as u wish them to do on to u
if your life were a movie what would it be called?. good things never last
do you have any bad habits?: dying my hair too much!
do you have any secrets?: yes.
are you fake?: no i tell it how it is i am my own person. The only fake thing i may portray sometimes is being as “ strong” as some ppl think i am.
what do you want to do in life?:go to college n become an RN
are you a daredevil?: used to be.
are you predictable?: i dont tihnk so.
do you keep a journal/diary?: nope.
if you could change one thing about you would you? what would it be?: i like myself the way i am
if you were someone else, would you be friends with yourself?: i think so ya.
do you think your a good person?: yes.
do you think your emotionally strong?: sometimes
do you regret anything?: yes lots of things
do you think life has been good so far?: up till this year yes..
what do you like most about your body?: my finger nails
least?: hair
are you trust worthy?: yes.
are you gullible?: no.
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