Dec 19, 2008 12:57
Well,'s been a while hasn't it? How have you been, LJ? Lookin' pretty good!
Me? Well...there are a lot of things I'd rather not talk about (at least not yet, anyway.)...but here's what I've been up to:
--Moved from shitty place out west back to NH
--Gave myself time to think about myself and what I need to change. Thought about things that have happened recently and decided it was for the best. I wasn't happy with myself then...and now am glad things happened the way they did.
--Went to Disney World this past October for the first time in 18 years. It was a lot of fun...a full Journal entry may be coming.
--Sold some of my old "kiddy" Lion King things on Ebay. I still have a full trunk and a half...but been too lazy to post anything recently.
--I've become a fan of the "Angry Video Game Nerd". For those who don't know who he is, he's a filmmaker who created this character as a joke, and so the character rants and bitches about shitty retro video games.He reminds me of my brother and I when we were little! LOL (Hell, I'm STILL like that when I play video games!) The website he's hosted on,, is pretty cool. It rekindled my love for the old classic games I grew up with.
So...I think that's it for now. Not very interesting...but I'd figure I'd say's beddy-bye time for me! Good;)