Feb 19, 2008 21:19
One thing I don't like about living alone is that there is no one for me to just share little frustrations and my little excitements with. They sort of get pent up, and I just can't really seem to deal with them except to make lists.
1. I frickin' hate Minnesota right now. -18 degrees, with a -48 degree wind chill. That's just absurd.
2. I think my new haircut is too cool for me. Like, it's the haircut a 30 lbs lighter and 10 times more sophisticated version of me would have.
3. I'm tired of doing laundry, and cleaning the kitchen.
4. I don't like being so busy, I sort of just want a break.
5. My senioritis is terrible, I get really easily distracted and lazy.
6. I don' t know what happened to the punctuation in the Lovelines, that frustrates me.
7. I missed getting silly roommates Lovelines.
8. I haven't heard from grad schools yet, and I am getting super antsy about it.
9. The toilet got clogged, which made me unhappy.
10. I'm really, really sick of winter.
1. I love working at the Sun Tribune. I have gotten to write some really cool stories.
2. I like making new friends, and finding time to connect with people I won't see much anymore.
3. I really love cooking, I learned how to make really delicious stir fry.
4. I hung out with a boy yesterday, and it made me happy. Nothing romantic, just relaxing.
5. The Across the Universe soundtrack is really good.
6. The new jeans I bought are to big for me... I might be getting thinner?
7. I unclogged a toilet all by myself, I've never done that before.
8. Steve Gross is a fun professor to have, I'm a fan of History of Religion.
9. My new camera is amazing, it takes beautiful photos.
10. The Office is back on April 10!!!