Happy Birthday, Dragons!

Mar 12, 2011 17:48

Happy Birthday to my favorite fire breather, pdragon76!

You've become such a wonderful and trusted friend. You listen to my constant whining and drama and emotional breakdowns and you hardly ever point and laugh, even though I know you want to. You mean the world. Tru fax.

I don't know where this came from.
Please Forgive Me )

fangurl birthday, picspam

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Comments 4

saberivojo March 12 2011, 22:54:34 UTC
HA HA! What a great job, Kim. Dragons is gonna LOVE IT. Plus the smile? How perfect was that. You must have searched for some pics to find the perfect grin.


kimmer1227 March 12 2011, 23:01:56 UTC
I think she's gonna kick my ass! You'll protect me, right!? This is the one time I'm happy she's so far away. Can't reach me from there. Hee.

Nice smile, yes. Young Jensen was so adorably cute. I prefer the grownup more manly version. :D


pdragon76 March 13 2011, 15:46:17 UTC

It's my birthday and you hit me with the Justin Bieber of Jensen pics.

And you have to drag the poor EQUINES into it. No horse deserves the Bieber treatment. Christ. Not even PEOPLE deserve that.

But because I love you, I will kill you in your sleep. You won't feel a thing.

*smish* Thank you, baby. And Jensen's right about that smile, at least. *licks screen*


kimmer1227 March 13 2011, 16:03:31 UTC
I'm so sorry! I don't even know where the hell it came from. I was possessed by a cougar muse!!

Thank you so much for having the decency to kill me in my sleep. I don't deserve it. I should be publicly beheaded or at least forced to watch Bieber videos or something equally evol. You're a class act.

How'd the birthday dinner go?


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