Forwarded from Faith the Poetess with no editing apart from removing her phone number....
Soul Of Soul Poetry would like to invite you to a night of spoken word on September 21, 2008 6:00 in the evening. Looking for spoken word artist who are interesting in performing, the event will be held at the Smilin' Dawg 747 Davis Road, Stockbridge Ga (Adjacent to Walmart on Hwy 138). Nice environment good BBQ & Seafood also drink specials, an event you wouldn't want to miss, If you think you got what it takes come out and show us what you got. Please make sure your piece is nice and respectable whether its inspirational, love, passion, motivational etc. Feel free to express your true feelings by bringing the words to life. Not to exceed 5 Min's come with your best performance for more information contact please reply back asap also pass the word along to other artist that you might no who would be interesting in performing the event will be video so come dress to impress DVD will not be available right after the show but will be upon completion of editing for the low low hope to see you there. Brought to you by Soul Of Soul Poetry.
Love, Peace, and Happiness
Forever, Always ,I Trust Him'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''