Aug 26, 2004 14:12
WeLL, today is thursday... the 2nd to last day at my job ImPuLsE... yah... the business wasnt doing so great so we have to close it down, and so that means we lose our jobs! Im so sad... it was a fun job minus the times just sitting there doing nothing at all, but in all it was fun. Especially meeting new people aka abercrombie hotties! ahahaha and the security guys were also very nice and funny with some cRaZaY stories! hehe. Saturday will officially be my last day, and sunday is when it closes permanantely. So this means i need to find another job... and i hate that.. it always takes me a long time. And i dont think i'll find another job i enjoy doing for 7 bucks an hour... haha if n e 1 has any suggestions on where to work or w.e.. LeT Me KnOw!! hehe that would be great! hehe..
Alright so im hating school once again. I love how it goes amazingly fast... but seeing certain people there isnt good at all. Like seriously, I have DoNE nothing to anyone, and all day from the same damn person i get these deathly stares and laughed at until i reach class, its most deffinetly immature, annoying and it makes me not want to come to school EvER. I just think if someone has a problem with me, then they should just come up and say so.. instead of just snickering and making comments and talking shit behind backs, its really really Jr. highish and i think everyone would say that they are SICK and TIRED of damn drama! For shit sakes! ok Im done with that. it just seriously ruins the rest of my day... i shouldnt let it, but of course i do... im just a sensitive person and i guess i care what other people think... ughhh.
But ne way... I have to go and get ready for work now... Tt Ya'LL lata! .:*mwah*:.