Aug 16, 2004 16:21
Mondays just suck ass... it's that first day back to school... shit loads of hw thrown at ya... tired from the weekend... U just get The CaSe Of The MoNdaYs! mehhhh! So school was alright today... it went pretty fast. Lunch was at KfC.. haha and then on the way driving back to school from lunch... Easton Conorie and James were riding in E's car .. haha they honked at us... aww it was just so good to see them! gosh its only been a couple days of school... but i miss them soo much..espeicially easton :-/. i wish they had been in our graduating class or we were in theirs. But u can't always get what u want... UnForTuNaTly! Then i had Advanced dance... that was fun it was our first day of dancing... we leanred a lil lyrical combo... very fun! haha kinda hard... but thats okay... i like the challenge! I went to 5th hour and they gave me my new schedule... and im mad ! They totally changed my teacher for economics.. i had BiRd, but now i have jolley! Freakin bird was awesome... soo im hopin i can change it now.. haha for the 2nd or 3rd time.. haha i feel bad.. but i want Bird! but on the plus side i have my 6th hour release now! so it was nice jus going home and chillin... hangin with mah mommy! I talked to KT online .. he was packin. :-(... he leaves this friday for mexico... gosh.. even though we didnt get to chill as much... im still ganna miss that boy like crazay! He's such an awesome good Guy! You dont find many of those around here. But it's cool though, we're ganna kick it after school on wednesday jus one last time.. :-(. its so sad. But hopefully we'll still keep in touch. hehe... So right now im just dreading to start my hw... i have TrIg and some easy EnGlish stuff, im jus worried about the trig.. i hope i do well in that class. But i geuss its just all up to me and whether make effort in it. haha... cause damn i did not make any effort 10th or 11th grd... thats prob why im havin such a hard time even tho its just review. BaHHH... well we'lls ee how things go! I finally got my lil student planner thing u get every new school yr. haha those thigns are great! I may not write in stuff i need for school or hw or w.e., but i write memories in it... haha i did it last yr about like eevery weekend... and i just read back on it the other day and it was GrEat! Sad... but great. so hopefully this year i'll make some good memories. Homecoming dance is october 23rd... haha wow... dont even know if i'll have a date! LOl how sad... :-/ we'll see!! haha i always think way ahead in the future... and then other times i look in the past... what i need to do it just look into the present... haha it might make life a lot easier for me ... :-( :-/ :-D.. ehhh.. well i might as well start my hw .. haha i dont have n e thing else to do! haha *mwAh*