May 24, 2005 21:53
i just got back from my last choir concert ever. i was so annoyed these past few weeks with everybody acting so emotional and whatnot about choir. i mean, come on, it's just choir. but now i'm a BIG FAT nerd because i got all emotional when we sang river in judea. i didn't think this would ever happen. this is the first year i know all the words by heart confidently and i can hit all the notes. because of this and the fact it's the last song, amanda and i stood in the front row. as i'm singing, mr l looks right at me and smiles. i couldn't help but smile and get all choked up. I'M TOTALLY A CHOIR DORK!! then nate, mi madre, and i went to the reception thingy afterwards (by the way, i coudln't be more annoyed by the i'm-not-gonna-pay-one-meisly-dollar-because-i'm-not-going-to-eat-cake people). as i'm eating cake w/ the fam, mr l comes up and tells my parents 'i'm gonna miss that girl' or something to that extent. SWEET!! awww mr l likes me. i have never felt this ultra dorky before in my entire life, but i kind of like it. it's so sad that i'm done w/ choir. be prepared for me to randomly break out in choir songs this summer.