Bullet points this time around.
- The 3rd Birthday is SUCH A FUN GAME! I'm on my hard run now, having done Easy and Normal runs basically to level up, get Over Energy chips and just get Aya to being a general badass. They got that aspect from PE2 so that makes me happy.
- Speaking of Parasite Eve and The 3rd Birthday, there is no Parasite Eve comm on LJ! So if you're a fan, join
plosiveattack. Because Aya Brea needs love.
- My laptop is being shit again in that it has the propensity to overheat and shut itself off. I thought this laptop was good but it turns out the cooling system is actually shit. I dunno what to do, so I'll try talking to my dad about getting another laptop for myself sorted. Because I do need one to work while I'm at uni. It means that my time online is limited by how cool I can keep the system, normally by frantically fanning it.
- I'm actually back in Manila, still jetlagged and everything.
- I need to make a new layout, I'm bored of my current one. And take advantage of the paid account trial.
- Urghhhh I forget how slow Philippine internet is.
- Jetlag is shit, and so is getting constantly dehydrated.
EDIT: I need to listen to Big Bang's new album, lol.