
Apr 07, 2009 22:33

from cakemix, because I am bored and waiting for my pseudohusband to come home :O

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post ( including the meme info ) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts. ( I'll do this part laaaaaateeeeerrrrr )
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

1) It's one of the girls from SigSig! If you don't know what SigSig is, it is a song by kors k from the video game beatmania IIDX, also featured on jubeat. The video for it is one of the cutest things ever. But the miss animation (basically if you miss a note, something happens to the video) is basically a super deformed version of one of the girls from the video running... and falling! It's really really cute. And to see this in action, please watch this video!

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2) Ahh, I remember when I think it was natsupop who showed me the Axel's Hips Don't Lie video. It's basically scenes from Kingdom Hearts synched to Shakira's Hips Don't Lie. With Axel as Shakira. Which is a perfectly valid comparison because dear god, the way that Axel's hips sway in battle is completely distracting. That was one of the first things I noticed since he's a stick figure but he sways his hips so goddamn much.

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But the whole point of the icon is that it takes that it take's Axel's head and places it on the best hip thruster of all time - Hard Gay.

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Amusing stuff. If only I could thrust my hips like either of them. :(

3) REDALiCE-ko! Basically there's this artist who added me on mixi after supposedly meeting me at X-treme Hard (I actually don't remember meeting him :( but he said he recognised me on mixi a few days afterwards). For fun, he does loads of sketches of all the Hardcore Tano*C crew. One of the few coloured images he did was of REDALiCE... a guy who did loads of remixes of popular anime and game songs. For example, he remixed Caramelldansen, Lucky Star, You (several times, from Higurashi), Saya's Song etc etc etc. He's considered one of the foremost doujin artists in the scene, so to speak.

The real REDALiCE is sadly not as moe, but he does wear red as his name suggests.

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(you can see a bonus Josh filming ten seconds into the video, haha)

4) I can't remember where I found the art for this icon, but this is Matin Catorce from The Epic of Zetkbach - again from the game Beatmania IIDX. This came out around the time that the 14th iteration of the series - IIDX GOLD came out along with the video that first featured her.

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5) Ga-Ko. Otherwise known as "CUTE DUCKY" that features as a clock... and as a character/item in the Metal Gear Solid series. Hideo Kojima has an obsession with Ga-Ko. An obsession greater than mine.

I do have the alarm clock though.

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