...what the neighbors never know

Jan 18, 2005 23:37

It's -18 out. That's cold.

So Steph calls me at 6 and asks me to go to a Tai Chi class with her. Here I am thinking maybe she wants to hang out or go to a movie or something...nope, she wants to go to a Tai Chi class. I laughed a lot. I told her I'd go. I honestly didn't even know what Tai Chi is. So she picks me up at like 6:45. The class starts at 7. It takes a while to find the place. When we get there we look through the window and see the class had started and it looked really weird. We decided it would be too awkward to go in, so we left.

We went to the mall and I see that Nate's working. We went in a saw him. Steph got popcorn in a small cup because she had no money. We talked for a few minutes. I haven't talked to him in person for a long time, so it was nice to see him.

I got home around 8:30. Watched American Idol. Fun night.

Tomorrow I'm going over to Delhi to see the school, find my classrooms, and get my books.

So yeah...that's about it.

I'll be waking up at 4:50 am to listen to a Hanson interview in Holland. I'm dedicated.
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