Dean and Cas - A love story [NC17 - chapter 7b/?]

Nov 26, 2009 18:28

Title: A love story [chapter 7b/?]
Authors: kimisgirl and doubledgedsword
Pairing: Castiel/Dean
Rating/Warnings: NC-17
Summary: Dean knows it's a dream, he knows its not real.... so why does it feel like it means more, and more importantly, why does he wish it was more? And, why, for that matter, does Castiel show up the next moring with a hikey on his neck and angry as hell? If it's not real why does the angel know everything that happened... like he was there?

Disclaimer: None of the supernatural characters or storylines belong to us :( -sad face-

The pure love he felt coming from Cas was almost as overwhelming as his wings had been. He knew now what majesty was, and what reverence was. He felt reverent in Castiel's presence, and the majesty of his wings made Hell seem like nothing more than a bad dream. It was as if nothing could hurt him while he was with his angel, and it was such a relief just to feel safe.

"While I'm here with you like this, I feel whole," he murmured, pressing his hand gently to the back of Castiel's skull and pulling him in for a soft kiss. "Don't cry, precious, you'll set me off again," he said, half laughing as he kissed Castiel's tears, tasting saltiness and joy on his lips. "How did I save you?" he asked, genuinely surprised. "You saved me, you pulled me out of the Pit... I owe you big time, Cas... And I'm anything but an angel, really."

He moved against him, merely shifting weight from one foot to the other, and was reminded forcibly of just how hard he was, and how pressing his lust actually was at that moment.

"So hot it makes me want to fuck you, Cas," Dean hissed against his ear, deliberately pushing his hard cock against Castiel's. The movement nearly made him cry out with desire, and he bucked again when Cas swore. "Why, precious, that sounded very like you saying something very dirty..." Dean said, a smirk spreading across his face. "How deep do you want me, exactly?" he asked, his voice deliberately low and sultry. He licked his lips and wondered if that would make Cas blush. He hoped it would. He loved knowing the effect he was having on this angel, loved knowing that he made him want to sin. It was intoxicating.

He let Cas remove his boxers, his breathing increasing rapidly as he watched him remove the final piece of clothing. He waited until he was done, noting how the angel seemed a little nervous. He smiled, and realised that despite his own lack of experience with this, he would have to take the lead. He kicked his boxers away and shivered with desire. The fact he was naked in the presence of a man didn't phase him, not tonight. This was Cas, his angel, not some random guy. It was special, and he wanted to make Cas feel amazing... a bit like he was doing to Dean right now, with his hands wandering all over his body and pulling him so close there was no space left between their bodies.

"Easy, precious..." he said soothingly. "Take your time. We've got until I wake up..." He paused and said in a voice heavy with irony, "That even sounds weird to me." The kicked pup expression on Castiel's face made his heart lurch, and he kissed him just to make the look disappear. As he kissed him, he opened the angel's pants, and sank slowly to the floor as he pulled them down, kissing down his torso as he went. He was kneeling before Cas now, and he looked up at him with a wicked smile before slowly sliding his underwear over his hips and down his legs, freeing his cock finally.

He glanced at Cas again, and grinned at the expression on his face. He wondered what face he'd be making next, and licked along the angel's shaft slowly. Despite being a novice, he knew what he liked when girls did this for him, and he mimicked their tricks now. He took the head in his mouth and sucked it lightly, his tongue sliding over the tip of Castiel's cock and making it as wet as he could.

He paused and looked up at Cas, "Is this okay?" he asked nervously.


"Don't do that Dean" Castiel murmured as he held him close, his eyes locking onto his and he smiled. "Don't doubt yourself, not with me my sweet Dean. You truly have no idea what you mean to me do you? Not really, not if you don't believe you are an angel to me." He whispered as he leaned his head on Dean's and continued. "What was it you once called me Dean? A spineless, soulless son of a bitch? Just following orders like a hummer? Heartless, cold.... already dead." He gave Dean a look that told him he didn't hold any of these things against Dean. He was trying to prove a point. "You were right then Dean, when you said those things. And it was you, you who made me see it, who made me rebel, made me live... you who saved me Dean. Don't you see?"

"What ever you owed me Dean, was paid the moment I fell in love with you" He hadn't even noticed that he'd drawn his wings in closer, so that Dean's back was pressed up against them. He just wanted to be even closer to Dean and this way he could completely envelope the man.

He had never heard anything so sexy come out of Dean's mouth than when he told Cas he wanted to fuck him. It made his whole being visibly tremble with desire. "Oh god... say that again" He hissed as he thrust in time with Dean's hips. "Never heard anything so... Christ" His eyes rolled up into his head as he threw it back and moaned. "Want you so badly Dean, I want you so deep you'll never be able to climb back out...." He was shocked at how easy this was, here like this with Dean. Saying these things, having Dean say these things to him, like it was natural, right. He normally never used words like 'oh God and Christ' but he could see how much it was driving Dean wild and so he gave him that, let go and used all the words that had been so long forbidden him.

He was blushing again the moment Dean started to remove his pants. Just having Dean's fingers working on the zip would have been enough to make him flail. But when Dean started kissing down his body, pulling down his pants as he went Castiel felt himself starting to lose his control and his wings surrounding them grew slightly brighter than before. He was worried that he wouldn't be able to keep them shadowed if he couldn't regain his self control so he took a deep breath. One that he ended up almost chocking on when he made the mistake of looking down at Dean when he was finally as naked as Dean was. Having kicked out of his shoes and pants.

Dean was on his knees before him, looking up at him like he wanted to do every sinfully lusty thing Castiel had ever seen humans do to each other, to him. And the thought made him groan. And then what Dean did next made his knees buckle and he needed all of his strength just to remain up right. And for a brief millisecond the bright light of his unshaded wings flashed around them before he managed to pull back the shadow. Dean had licked along the bottom of his very hard, aching cock and it had made him see stars. He knew then he was in trouble. If just one warm touch of the mans tongue on him could do that. He couldn't even imagine what was yet to come.

He didn't have to imagine for long because the next thing Dean did as he continued to look up at Cas, and that was what really got to the angel, was so incredible Castiel couldn't do anything but gaze in amazement as Dean took him into his mouth. Sucking hot and wet on the end of his cock. "Oh god Dean" he gasped. "what are you doing to me..." It wasn't a question he wanted answered, he just wanted Dean to keep doing what ever it was he was doing. "never stop" He whispered out as he locked his eyes on the sight of Dean sucking him and had to work really hard to stop himself from coming right there. He didn't want to put his wings away, he loved having them against Dean's back. Feeling him with a part of himself as well as his vessel.

He knew though, for Dean's safety he had to do it and so he slowly unwrapped Dean and pushed them back into his vessel, his eyes not once leaving Dean's. His hands moving to run his fingers though Dean's hair, the soft dark spikes he loved just as much as every other part of Dean. Even a single hair was precious to him. "you really are my angel you know" He whispered in a hoarse throaty moan. Soft and true.


"Sweet?" Dean said in a low whisper. "I've been called a lot of things, Cas, but nobody's ever called me that in my life." He listened to Cas speak, his head close to his and their touch feeling as though it could heal, as though his soul was being healed just by being close to the angel. His face flushed as Cas recited the horrible things Dean had called him, and he groaned. "Jeez, and you call me an angel for that? Is this some sorta reverse psychology?" He was hushed when Cas said his debt was cleared, and he was enclosed in arms and wings and hot kisses once more. "I think that's one cheque that should bounce," he quipped, unable to resist his normal needling wit.

"But if you insist on calling me an angel, I'll have to prove I'm not," Dean said, his eyes dark with lust as he looked at Castiel's almost fully naked form. "I'll show you just how sinful a human being I really am." That said, he lowered his head and sucked one of Castiel's nipples slowly between his lips, rolling his tongue around it and finally biting it just hard enough for it to hurt, but not too much.

He laughed at the shock in the angel's voice, and loved that his words had such a dramatic effect on him. "Say what again? That I want to fuck you? Because I do, Cas, I want to fuck you," Dean said slowly, and grinned wide at the sound of the words spilling from Castiel's mouth, words he never thought he'd ever hear from one of the heavenly host. "That's my boy," Dean said, a touch of awe in his voice. "Keep talking like that and you'll get exactly what you want. It's so hot hearing those words come out of your pretty mouth, it really is..."

If he wasn't rock hard before that moment, he was now. He had never felt this hard in his life, and he found it a little ironic that it was only when he was with a man that he felt this turned on. As he knelt before Cas, he admired the strong glow coming from his wings, a glow that illuminated his face and limned everything in the same beautiful white light that he felt so safe within. The expression on Castiel's face was priceless, slackjawed surprise and lust that made his blue eyes look more intense than usual.

He smirked and took him back into his mouth, sucking and licking his cock and doing it all so expertly he was stunned at his own innate talent. His own cock twitched, aching to feel Castiel's lips on it, and Dean had to hold back a lustful groan. He had so much planned that he wanted to do to his angel tonight. He wanted to make good use of all the naughty ideas he had had in between sleeps, ideas that came unbidden to him to torment him as he tried to convince himself that he had just been dreaming. He made a small sound of protest as he felt Castiel's wings break contact with his back. They had felt amazing stroking up and down his back, feather softness tracing his spine and tickling along his muscles.

Hands roamed over his scalp, caressing and touching him more gently than he felt he deserved. He felt so loved right now, and coupled with the intense lust he decided there and then that he had never felt so happy in his entire life. He stopped what he was doing just to whisper, "I love you, Castiel." He swiftly resumed sucking him, wrapping his hand around the base of Castiel's cock and stroking it while his lips and tongue worked on the head.


"You still don't see it do you? One day Dean you will realise just what you've done for me.... and how you're just as worthy of my love as you think I am of yours. You believe yourself to be a bad person because of things you've done. But you're wrong Dean, its the things you have done, the amazing, good, righteous things that make you who you are. Like when you stopped Uriel from destroying that town. If you knew some things I have done in my life Dean, you would not be so quick to revere me like you seem to be set on doing" Castiel couldn't stop the sadness in his eyes traveling to his voice as he told Dean what somehow he just knew the man needed to hear. "You will love yourself again one day Dean Winchester, I will see to it" He said with a confident smile.

Anything else Cas could have left to say was lost the moment Dean started talking about how sinful he planned to show him he was. And then his mouth was on his body, kissing and licking and biting and Castiel groaned with desire. His whole body jerked when Dean told him again, and then again, that he wanted to fuck him. A hot shiver running down his spine straight to his groin. Older than man them self, and Castiel was finally going to lose his virginity. He laughed out loud when the thought that Dean would be proud of him crossed his mind. "You know I've never done this before right?" He moaned to Dean softly... as he watched him on his knees. "Not with anyone.... or anything" he added.

"You can do anything you want to me Dean, still gonna call you my angel from now on" He was teasing this time, grinning down at Dean as he made noises so dirty and full of lust he was sure heaven was about to smite them both for what they were doing.

"What is it you want me to say Dean? That I want you to fuck me as bad as you want to do it? Or that I want you to make me scream your name? To explode from the pleasure you're giving me? Because I'll say it all and Dean" He paused for a moment making sure he had the mans eyes locked on his before he said something he never in his life thought would pass his lips. "I mean every fucking word" He growled the last out hard and low.

And then he lost himself complete and felt his strength to remain standing failing him. His knees bent and he had to rest them against Dean just to stay upright. "Dean. I. Need. The. Bed" He gasped out through strangled moans. And then Dean pulled off him and looked up at him. And the words that came out of his mouth made Castiel fail completely, he crashed to his knees so that he was kneeling in front of Dean a lot like they had started the night. His eyes hazy as they ran over Dean's face, his lips, his nose, his eyes. And thats where they stopped.

"You called me Castiel" He whispered. He loved the way Dean called him Cas, but the way he had said those three little words along with his full name had hit him like a dagger to the heart. But in such a wonderful way. His breathing was heavy and he leaned forward to kiss Dean, cradling his face in both hands. "Love you too" He murmured back into the kiss as he pressed his whole body to Dean's


"Hey, I've already called you out on the crappy things you've done, just like you did for me. Neither of us are perfect, and I'm comfortable with that." He paused, and smiled ruefully. "So I'd say we should both of us stop worrying about who's more perfect, and just get on with doing something we can both enjoy, what say?" Dean registered the pain in Castiel's voice, and placed a tender kiss on his chest in hopes of soothing that sadness he could hear. "If you say so," he murmured against him.

Dean looked up at the angel with a cheeky smirk and said, "Well, yeah, it's kinda obvious. You're always so uptight. Luckily for you, I think I know what I'm doing here... and I reckon you'll loosen up a bit once you've gotten rid of the big V." Dean had popped one or two cherries in his time... but never like this. He swallowed a knot of nervousness in his throat and reminded himself that he loved Cas, but he couldn't help feeling a bit anxious. He wanted to please him, he really did, and he was more than a little afraid of hurting him, even if he was an angel. He couldn't help it. He had such a depth of feeling for his angel already, and he wanted to keep him safe.

"Call me your angel again, Castiel," Dean said, his voice almost unrecognisable as he groaned his lust aloud. "Tell me how badly you want me. Tell me every filthy little thought you've ever had about me, everything you've ever wanted to do to me... and I might consider letting you do them." He gasped, feeling his balls tighten as Cas made almost animal noises of pleasure. It was nearly too much for him, and he wanted his cock inside Cas so badly he felt himself blushing furiously with the effort of restraining himself.

He felt Castiel's knees buckle, and heard his strained voice saying he needed the bed. Dean ignored him, continuing to suck him as well as he could. It was only when he stopped, and Castiel fell to his knees that Dean acknowledged that yes, maybe he really did need the support that the bed offered. "Wuss," Dean teased, his voice loving. "I didn't fall over the first time someone did that for me."

He kissed the angel's face, his eyes, his nose, his cheeks, his mouth... and he smiled into the kisses. "Castiel," he whispered. "Castiel, Castiel, Castiel... My Castiel, I love you." He got to his feet and pulled Cas up with him. "You said you wanted the bed... so let's go to bed." He put both arms around the angel's waist and kissed him again, pressing his entire body against him and letting out a low moan of need.


"Yee of little faith" He chirped at Dean with an amused look. "You've no idea how convincing I can be when the mood takes me Dean" He whispered hotly against Dean's ear. "You'll see" He teased. And although he was teasing now, amused that Dean refused to believe him. He meant every word of it. That was why he was amused. Because he knew he was right and one day Dean would see it too. He wouldn't rest till he'd made sure of it. The man he loved would one day love himself as much as Castiel did... ok, well maybe not that much, no need to turn him into a complete narcissist.

Cas growled and gave Dean a dangerous look, his eyes dark with lust. "This is not loosened up enough for you?" He asked huskily, his hands running down Dean's neck and heatedly massaging his shoulders as he watched Dean suck on him. "I'm naked Dean..." He said with a smirk "... and you're sucking on my cock, how much looser do you suggest I get?" He raised an eyebrow and grinned wickedly. He was loving every moment of this. It was making him dizzy again, a feeling he has decided he loved when it was Dean making him feel like that.

Castiel couldn't answer Dean right away when he asked him to call him angel again, and... everything else he asked for. Because Dean had chosen that moment to make sure his vocal cords were far too constricted to work even slightly. All Cas could do was gasp something about needing the bed while Dean sucked on him in a way that Castiel had decided was most definitely a sin. His knees buckled and he hit the ground with a crash with Dean grinning at him more than a little amused. Cas gave him a playful glare and snarled dangerously. "Clearly it wasn't being done right then" The lust flashing through the glare as Castiel drew Dean in and kissed him hard. And just to make his point, he snaked one hand between them and, with more boldness than he had expected himself to have, wrapped a firm hand around Dean's erection and squeezed just hard enough, running his hand from bottom to the top. Running a thumb over the swollen head in a way he hoped felt good. He really had no idea what he was doing but he was a fast learner, so he'd get the hang of it soon he decided.

"My angel" He hissed hotly into Dean's ear, his lips pressed against his earlobe, his tongue flicking out and running along the hot skin of Dean's ear. "My angel..." He repeated. "I want you angel, all of you, you are mine and no one else's. Thats what I want" He murmured. He needed to know that Dean belonged to him, he knew from the first kiss he'd never be able to share Dean. Not with anyone, he was fairly certain part of him would end up even being a little jealous of Sam.

"I want to taste you Dean" He groaned against Dean's neck as he squeezed Dean's cock again as if to show Dean exactly what he meant. His hand was still working slowly up and down Dean's erection. He only stopped and let Dean go when the man took Castiel by the waist and lifted them both up off the floor. It was not often Cas was... man handled would be the word for it he guessed, but oh god did it make him hot when Dean did it. And he let out a hiss of desire and pressed himself equally hard into Dean as Dean was into him.

"Yours" He murmured with a shudder "I'll always be yours Dean, always yours." He said, he needed Dean to know that for Castiel there would never be anyone else for him. Only Dean... only Dean.

"love you more" He said with a cheeky grin as he pulled Dean toward the bed. He stopped beside it and waited. He was suddenly nervous, not because he didn't trust Dean, because he did, but because what was about to happen was.... well it was epic. There was no other word for it, and that level of event would make anyone a little nervous. So he waited for Dean to take over and lead him. He would follow anywhere Dean wanted to lead him. "I want you to fuck me" He murmured to Dean as he looked calmly into his green eyes with such deep desire and wonder at what was going to happen he knew it would help Dean if he had any doubts.


"Don't go all biblical on me now, Cas," Dean teased. "You know I don't go in for that stuff. That's more Sammy's kinda thing." He didn't want to get into a row because he didn't worship himself, and he would if Cas kept insisting, because Dean was a stubborn, cheeky sonofabitch at the best of times, and that wasn't going to change just because he was in love.

He smirked at the angel's seeming irritation and said, "You'll be loose when I'm done with ya, angel, so just go with it." He found the edge to Castiel's voice and the darkness in his eyes to be incredibly sexy, and the idea of Cas never again being so stoic made him stupidly happy. His angel had found his humanity, and with it, his sex drive. Score one for Dean!

"Oh, so it wasn't done right?" he asked, and then smirked widely as a wicked idea occurred to him. "Maybe you should show me how my cock should be sucked then? 'Cos the thought of you sucking me is driving me wild, precious." Before he could try to persuade Cas to do as he had suggested, he felt the angel's hand wrap around him and start stroking. He gave a strangled gasp, and would have doubled over had he not been all but crushed against him. "Holy freaking shit!" Dean managed to gasp out, his eyes closing as pleasure coursed through him. There was an angel before him, and he was stroking him like a pro. He shuddered as he felt Castiel's thumb drag over the tip of his cock and hated that he had just whimpered like a girl.

"Yours... all yours..." Dean moaned, his head lolling to the side, pleasure robbing him of the ability to keep his head upright. "Just keep doing what you're doing..." He stopped talking so he could moan loudly, and struggled to keep talking, "...and you can have all of me." He gave a very feminine gasp then, and felt himself turning red. Good thing this was a dream. If Sammy had heard that he'd never be able to stop him laughing.

Castiel's next request made Dean's hips thrust forward all on their own, groaning as the angel's hand tightened around him. "Feel free to do that," he found himself saying, amazed that he was even able to talk, let alone say 'feel free!' in such a cheeky voice. When Cas finally let him go, Dean pushed hard against him and hissed, "Oh, I'm going to do filthy things to you for that, precious. " He was so turned on that he wanted to just throw Cas down and fuck him on the spot, but the love he felt for the angel made him want to take his time and savour every sensation. It was quite a wonderful dilemma to be caught up in, and he smirked as he was half dragged to the bed.

"That's all I need to know, Cas. That you're mine." He kissed him, more tenderly than he had before, and whispered, "Lie down, angel."


Castiel just gave Dean a 'if you say so' look of his own and smiled. "Dean..." He decided to point out just because he wanted to see what the man would say. "... I'm biblical, you do realise this yes? Angel of the lord and all that? I think you'll find a little bit about it around the place. So when you think I'm being biblical... well erm..." he paused and gave Dean a worried look. "Thats you know just sort of, me being... well what I am. Does that upset you?"

He decided to drop the topic right then and there, it wasn't the conversation they needed to be having right now. So he pulled Dean to him and kissed him gently. "You know what, lets just forget that stuff for now okay?" He murmured softly and pulled back to look over Dean. "I just want to be here with you in this moment, not waxing philosophical about your lack of appreciation for the bible. Though I'll let you in on a secret. Your bible gets more wrong than it does right" He said with a smirk and leaned in to kiss Dean again.

Once he had his hand over Dean's cock and was drinking in the way it made Dean gasp and jerk and moan. Castiel forgot everything else but what he was doing to Dean and just [i]what[/i] it was doing to him. He had thought he'd seen Dean lose it yesterday, but he had been a little wrong. The way Dean moved against him now, his head falling to the side like he didn't have the control to pick it up anymore. The words coming out of his mouth... Castiel had never seen anything so amazing in his life. "You know that's blasphemy don't you?" He growled out as he ran his thumb over the head of Dean's cock again, because it had been that which really seemed to drive the man wild. And Cas wanted him as wild as he could get him, because it was something to behold if you asked him. "You love that you're corrupting an angel don't you..." Not that Cas could say he wasn't loving being corrupted! Because he was loving every moment of it.

"Exactly how wild are we talking here Dean?" He asked as he ran his tongue along Dean's neck hungrily. He was talking about how wild it would drive Dean to see him sucking him the same way Dean had sucked Cas. Suddenly he knew that he had to try it, he wanted to taste Dean so badly and the fact that Dean wanted him to only made it all the more hard to say no too. And that would have only mattered if the angel was actually trying to say no. Which he wasn't, not even a little bit.

He felt his heart flutter the way Dean told him he could have all of him and it sent a rush of pleasure straight to his groin and he let out a loud moan as he stood beside Dean, his hands resting on Dean's hips now as they stood beside the bed. Castiel was ready for what would come when they finally lay down, but right now he had one more thing in mind before he got to that positions. So when Dean told him to lay down he shook his head briefly and grinned. "Not yet" He said quietly and ran his hands up Dean's chest to hold onto his neck as he kissed him once before his mouth started to explore Deans body. His neck and collar bone, down over his firm chest, stopping to suck and bite his nipple the same way Dean had done to him before moving on getting closer and closer to what he really wanted to have in his mouth.

"I need to prove a point first" He growled hotly as he looked up from before Dean, he was now on his knees the same way Dean had been on his not long ago. His eyes locked on Dean's as he ran his tongue over Dean's hip wetly. His hand wrapping around Dean's cock once more and holding it firmly by the base. Never breaking eye contact with the man he loved, he very slowly and deliberately ran the tip of his tongue around the smooth head of Dean's cock, licking and tasting, the feeling making him moan with lust as he slowly slid the hard flesh into his mouth and closed his lips around it, sucking gently at first but increasing the pressure as he went. Moving down over it like Dean had done to him, his tongue licking and moving as he sucked. Not once did his eyes leave Dean's face. He didn't even blink he wanted, needed to see this so badly it hurt.


Dean kissed Cas hard, and said quietly, "That was to shut you up. You're not biblical. You're incredible. Doesn't upset me, I just have other things on my mind right now." He pushed against him again to emphasise his point and grinned his cheekiest and most charming Dean Winchester grin. He knew he'd get his way. Girls always crumpled like paper cups when he used that smile, and he had a feeling it might work on Cas.

And oh holy freaking shitballs, Batman! Was Cas ever working on him! Dean put one arm around Castiel's waist and slid his hand down to his ass, squeezing it so hard he was sure he'd leave the bruises of his fingerprints, and pulled him roughly against his hips. It was an effort to keep coherent thought in his mind and not just let his "other" brain take over, especially when Cas opened his pretty little mouth and started accusing him of blasphemy. "I know," Dean groaned, "And you love it." He whimpered with need as Cas let his thumb trace the head of his cock yet again, and felt all sense leave his head at that moment.

He looked at Cas with blind lust in his eyes and let a low growl escape his lips. "You're my angel to corrupt... and by the time I'm done with you you'll need to say about a million Hail Marys as penance." Dean felt a little more of his control slip away when he realised Cas enjoyed the idea of being corrupted as much as he did. It was such a deliciously naughty idea that he felt his heart pound urgently every time it popped into his head.

"As wild as you can take it, precious," Dean replied, licking his lips hungrily. For a first timer, Castiel's tongue knew tricks that Dean wouldn't have suspected him of knowing. He couldn't help the quiet yelps he made when the angel's lips made contact with his collarbone and even lower. The thought that his angel would be willing to do that to him... Oh, he was lucky he could still stand, let alone think.

His breathing rate increased rapidly, his heart pounded and his cock was almost painfully hard at this stage. He needed release, and he needed it badly, so when Cas said "not yet" he nearly lost his reason. He wanted him right now, and being told "not yet" was curiously devastating to his mind. But a split second later he was yelping again when Cas sucked his nipples exactly the way he had done to him a few minutes before. It was a delicious torture, feeing Castiel work his way slowly down his chest, his abdomen and pausing before the vital area.

Dean's body jerked as he looked down at his partner, the look in his eyes feeling like it should burn it was that hot. "Oh fuck yeah, precious, prove it... please," Dean moaned urgently. The intensity of Castiel's gaze as he started to suck him was incredible, and Dean felt his legs starting to shake as soon as the angel's tongue made contact with his cock. He rested his palm on the back of the angel's head, encouraging him gently to take him a bit deeper. "Holy shit, Cas... don't stop doing that," he said breathlessly, his skin starting to gleam with a sheen of sweat.


"I love you Dean Winchester" was all Castiel replied to Dean's rant about him not being biblical. Because for some reason it meant a lot to the angel that Dean saw him for more than just what he'd always thought he was. In a way Dean loved him in spite of what he was, not because of it. And that meant a hell of a lot to Castiel. He loved being an Angel, he loved heaven, and he loved god. But he no longer loved his brothers and sisters. Not after what they had done, made him play a part in. And worst of all, what they wanted to do to his Dean. "I'll never let them have you know that don't you Dean?" He asked suddenly as he leaned against Dean's body. "Michael is never going to take you from me"

"Or... I could let you corrupt me and not say I'm sorry for it to anyone..." He said with an expression that is a mix between childish excitement at the thought of getting away with being naughty, and powerful lust. He couldn't decided which emotion was winning the battle and he had a huge grin on his face. Until Dean was moaning and thrusting against him again and it was suddenly very clear which was winning, and it wasn't the childish excitement.

As he looked up at Dean, watching every reaction to see exactly which movements he seemed to like best, his hands gripping hard into Dean's hips, his fingers clinging so hard he was sure he must be leaving marks on Dean. And this thought really shouldn't have turned him on as much as it did, but he couldn't help it.

He groaned when Dean's hand pushed his head further onto him and the vibrations from the sound traveled along his tongue which was wrapped around Dean's cock. Taking him in as far as he could before bobbing back up to lick and suck a the head, his tongue running over the small slit on the head where a white creamy liquid had begun to drip. Castiel did this for one reason only, not because he had any idea how good it would feel for Dean, but because he had said he wanted to taste Dean. And he's meant it, he needed to taste him. So he did, licking him up gently and swallowing. A deep growl of lust following as his mouth opened again and took in Dean's entire length.

Castiel could feel Dean's body shaking like his had, he grinned around Dean at this thought. Pulling back and taking Dean out of his mouth, his hand taking over stroking him slowly as he looked up at him softly. "I'm I doing a better job than who ever couldn't make your knees buckle?" He asked gently as he stroked his hand over him once more before closing his mouth over him again and sucking hard, really hard along Dean's shaft. Dean had told him not to stop and he didn't plan to... not until Dean told him to at any rate.


Dean grinned. It was electrifying to hear those words. "Aw, shucks, Cas! I don't even know your surname!" he said, his tone joking once more. Despite his mucking around, Dean was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that someone loved him, and not just any someone - an angel. But not just any angel... His angel. Castiel. It was a very dizzying feeling to have.

He thought back to the not so distant time when he has been trapped by the angels, just waiting for Lucifer to rise so Michael could take over his body and use him as his vessel. He hadn't known it at the time, but Cas had. And Dean had ranted at him, and when Cas finally saw sense, he had thrown him against a wall and looked at him with something in his eyes that Dean couldn't quite place. Now, however, he was seeing quite a lot of that look. "If Michael wants me, he'll have to kill me first," Dean said seriously. "Cause there ain't no way in hell I'm letting that jerk touch you."

He licked his lips as Cas spoke, and a grin spread widely across his face. "Now you're talkin'," he said, enjoying the gleeful look in his partner's eyes. Everything was pushed out of his head the moment Cas took him in his mouth, and he had to concentrate on remembering to breathe, and remembering not to get carried away too fast. Tonight was about making it up to Cas, not just making it a wham, bam, thank you ma'am sort of occasion, but ma'am was probably the wrong word.

He could feel pain in the flesh at his hips, pain from Castiel's grip. At that moment he was glad Cas didn't have his hands on a much more sensitive and delicate area, as good as the pain felt compared to the wild pleasure Cas was exerting from him. Cas groaned, and Dean made an echoing sound, the feeling almost too much to take. He could feel himself getting closer, and as much as he wanted to make Cas stop so the night wouldn't be over too soon, he wanted him to keep going, because Christ on a bike was Cas taking to this like a duck to water! He let out a low shout when Cas licked the tip of his cock, and then swallowed him right to the base.

His knees were really starting to buckle now, and when Cas pulled back he gave an appreciative moan. "Fuck, yeah... You're a natural!" Dean said with feeling. When Cas started sucking him again, Dean hissed and managed to say, "No, stop... If you keep going I'll be done too soon, and I meant what I said. I'm going to fuck you tonight."


This way to part 7c (post to long for one, had to cut it sorry)

fanfiction, naughty boys!, smex, cas/dean, slash

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