Winter - Sam/Dean - Snapshots!verse - NC17

Oct 14, 2010 15:45

Title: Winter
Author: kimisgirl
Beta: none
Fandom/Genre: wincest, schmoop, romance, domesticity
Pairing (s): Dean/Sam
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 2,217
Warnings: Wincest, porn, Bottom!Dean, mpreg
For my spn_30snapshots table: prompt: Sunrise

Follows hours and Morning, Sunrise

Winter -

Dean’s cold dammit and he’s tired, and sore, and grumpy, and hormonal... fucking hormones, and stupid angels who made him think that being fuckin’ pregnant was a good idea... because, clearly, it’s not. It fuckin’ sucks. He can’t drink, he can’t smoke... ok so he never smoked anyway... but it’s the principal of the thing man. Not to mention the friggin’ morning sickness. What the hell was up with that? And who the hell thought up the name ‘morning’ sickness anyway? Because be fucked if Dean wasn’t sick all the damn day through.

So yeah... Dean, not so happy right now, and he totally was not loving the friggin’ snow outside right now. Not like his 6’ foot 4 giant kid of a husband was right now anyway. And clearly, that’s what Sam was... a giant two year old. If Dean wasn’t such a grump right now, he’d probably be amused by Sammy’s snowman, and the bright happy smile on his face. However, he just glared at his brother and pouted from the back door where he stood. After all, it was so totally entirely Sam’s fault he was in this condition anyway...

Dean pouted harder as Sam came jogging in from the yard, still beaming. Dean was about three months along and just starting to show. And as a result his days of being able to just go out and do shit were becoming numbered. He and Sam might be fine (if not a little shit scared) by his condition, but society would not be. Dean had worried about not being able to go to a doctor a little, Sam had full on freaked out... Castiel had assured them they would not need one. This was an angelic given pregnancy and would go off without a hitch. He had then had to reassure Sam that the baby was most defiantly his and not some weird Dean/Castiel angel baby. The look of horror at the idea on Sam’s face had made Dean giggle and curl around Sam as soon as CAS had disappeared. He had assured Sam again and again, that he was the only person he’d ever have a baby with... it had been a fun night...

Sam was chuckling as he took Dean into his arms and drew him close. Dean, as grumpy as he was, couldn’t stop himself from melting into the warmth of Sam and melding their frames together. Sam leaning down to kiss him softly.

“You want to go inside, sit by the fire Momma? I’ll make cocoa, and give you a foot rub.” Sam suggested and Dean half glared, half smiled at him. Sam had taken to calling him Momma the moment Dean had told him he were Pregnant. Dean was so not ok with that nickname... He was no girl thanks very much. However the sound of cocoa and a foot rub on a cold winters day did sound too good to turn down. Not to mention the fact that the domesticity of it made Dean’s heart flutter. He was still learning how to do this ‘settling down’ thing. He was getting there though.

“One of these days Sammy, you’re gonna wake up with boobs and then we’ll be seeing who is callin’ who Momma...” he groused, and it wasn’t a completely empty threat. He was fairly certain he could convince Cas to do it for him. Though on second thought he’d grown awful fond of Sam’s manly bits... And yeah, he’d admit it... Dean Winchester completely preferred Sam’s bits to any hot chick’s bits any day.

“What ever you say Momma” Sam teased back and picked Dean up, using both hands on his ass to do so. Dean grabbed a hold of Sam’s neck and wrapped his legs around his husband’s waist on instinct. Dean remembered the day Sam had realised just how much this position turned Dean on and how much he liked being man handled by Sam. Dean would never say it out loud but he had a serious size kink where his brother was concerned.

Dean pressed his face into Sam’s neck and sucked the warm skin there. He was warm and comfortable and about to have his feet rubbed. Yeah, Dean was in his happy place again and he smiled. Wrapped up in his husband he felt the thrill of what was happening to him rush through him again and he knew, like he always did just how awesome a gift Castiel had given them. Even if he does get grumpy and sore and sick sometimes, it would all be worth it when the day came and they had a little them running around the house getting into all kinds of trouble. Dean just hoped the kids took after Sammy, it would end up making life a lot easier...

“Love you baby” he whispered in Sam’s ear as they reached the lounge, pulling his head back as Sam dropped down onto the sofa, Dean’s legs still wrapped tightly around his waste. Dean found Sam’s lips with his own and kissed him heatedly, tongue dipping into the wet heat, causing him to moan hungrily. He had long ago realised just how addictive Sam’s mouth could be.

“Mmm” Sam answered, mouth and tongue too busy to form any real words. Dean shivered as Sam’s hands, worked their way under his jumper and shirt, sliding up the smooth plains of his back until he had to stop for Dean to raise his arms, so Sam could pull the clothing from his body over his head.

They had to break the kiss and Dean groaned at the loss, his eyes heated and locking onto Sam’s. Sam wasn’t looking at his eyes though, he was looking lower and when Dean’s eyes traced their path he felt his breath catch, realising that Sam was staring at his small rounded bump where the life inside him was growing. He took Sam’s hand in his and pressed it gently over the bulge, eye’s jumping up to meet Sam’s. He smiled at him warmly as Sam’s hand rubbed warm circles into his belly. “So gorgeous Dean... can’t believe we made this, can’t believe we get to have this” Sam whispered and Dean felt his heart flutter. They didn’t get sappy often... or well, Sam did, but Sam was clearly a girl. Dean, Dean was manly and tough and badassed so he totally didn’t do sappy... nope, totally didn’t...

“I know” he whispered back, breathe catching, in a completely unsappy way... “It’s gonna be a little you Sammy, gonna be so beautiful” and those were totally not tears of joy makin’ his eyes shiny. Cause Dean didn’t do tears... of any variety, so clearly not tears.

He buried his head in Sam’s shoulder and sucked a bruise into the skin. Because marking your mate... that was totally mucho and manly dude! He rocked his hips down onto Sam’s hardness and moaned hotly. “Want you Sammy” he breathed against Sam’s left nipple before biting down on it just hard enough to have his brother arching and shivering below him.

Dean suddenly stepped back and off Sam, his eyes never leaving his brothers as he quickly undid his jeans and pulled them off along with his boxers in one go. He fumbled with the draw in the lamp table beside the sofa for a moment, pulling out a bottle of lube, before returning to stand over Sam. Legs spread on either side of Sam’s knees. His brother seemed to be too involved in watching him to have done anything about his clothes and Dean grumbled, impatient.

“You gonna fuck me through your jeans Sam?” He growled as he took three figures and spread lube over them before reaching behind himself and sliding all three home at once. Knowing full well that the spot where his figures were disappearing into his hot tight ass was right at Sam’s eye level. He could see Sam watching heatedly, his breathing coming fast and ragged. He knew Sam loved it when Dean did this too himself. Sometimes Dean would lay out on the bed naked and figure himself in front of Sam until he came, untouched and aching all over his own chest. The way Sam fucked him after those times, took his breath away literally.

Dean felt two hands grab his waist and drag him forward onto his knees so he was straddling Sam again. This time though, Sam had undone his jeans and lowered them just enough to get his hard, thick cock out of his boxes and have it standing proud and shining with lube between his strong thighs. When Sam had gotten himself out and lubed up Dean didn’t know, must have been while he was fucking himself down on his finger’s thinking about how good Sam felt inside him.

“Come on Dean, ride me baby” Sam growled out, and Dean could see it was taking all Sam had not to grab him and throw him down, fucking into him hard and fast. And Dean loved it when Sam did that, he really did. But today he wanted it like this, he wanted to ride his husband until his legs were jello and he couldn’t lift himself to rise up and down Sam’s shaft any more. Then he knew... he knew how it would end... and he couldn’t wait.

He took Sam in his hand, and guiding him to his stretched hole he sank down onto him in one slow movement. Not stopping until Sam was buried deep inside him. He groaned loudly gasping out “Sammy” as he sat in his husband’s lap. Feeling Sam’s fully clothed body all around him and shaking with need.

“Oh fuck” he choked as Sam started to rock his hips back and forward. Not thrusting in or out, just moving, so that he was still fully buried but his cock rocked and rubbed against Dean in the most sinful of ways and left him a muttering, shaking mess of lust. Sam the bastard chuckled at that and Dean growled.

“Oh hell no you will not laugh during sex fucker.” Dean ordered and then suddenly he pulled himself up Sam’s cock before slamming back down full force. He didn’t stop either, just kept fucking himself on Sam’s cock over and over and over again. Breathing hard, heart racing and his finger nails digging in deep on Sam’s shoulders. He loved the thought that Sam would have finger shaped bruises tomorrow. Sam moaned like a bitch and begged Dean for more, harder, faster and Dean smirked. “That’s more like it Sam” he growled out, his thighs starting to burn in the best way. He knew he’d not be able to keep this going until they both came, he never good. Baby brother had the stamina of a bull. Something Dean was very, very happy about.

“Oh fuck” he cried out when the burning in his legs got too much and he sank down onto Sam’s chest breath hard. “Sammy” he begged. He knew Sam would know what he wanted. And he didn’t have to wait long for Sam to comply. He was very suddenly lifted and spun and his back sank down onto the couch. He cried out in ecstasy as Sam sank into him deeply and began fucking him hard and fast and brutal, just like he always did. Just like Dean loved it. Dean was curled up into almost a ball, his knees up around his own ears as Sam held him around the middle, arms locked tightly behind Dean’s back, his whole body pressed into the couch by Sam’s weight. Cock trapped and so hard it hurt between them. Sam never let Dean touch himself, and he always told Dean that if Dean couldn’t come from Sam’s dick in his ass then clearly Sam wasn’t doing something right and Sam would just have to try harder... Dean hadn’t once yet not come from Sam fucking him... so it wasn’t really an issue.

“Oh fuck Sammy” Dean cried as his muscles tightened and his orgasm ripped through him taking him by surprise and he shuddered against Sam as come spurted hot between their bodies. He clung to Sam’s neck with his arms and held on as Sam fucked him through it. Knowing Sam would follow him soon, he always did. Something about Dean coming always set Sam off. He was right and just as Dean finished he felt Sam’s body tense and then Sam was coming hot like liquid fire deep inside him, crying out Dean’s name. And Dean couldn’t help but think of the little life they had made just like this growing inside him.

“Jesus” Sam breathed as he slowly pulled out and gathered Dean up into his arms, cuddling him close.

“Yeah” Dean breathed as he snuggled into Sam. And he dared anyone to deny they liked snuggling when you had Sam on the other end of it ok...

“So much for cocoa and a foot rub” Sam snorted and Dean just chuckled.

“Later” he mumbled and closed his eyes, head buried against Sam’s chest. Slowly he began to snooze. Feeling safe, sated, loved and happy. Four things he never thought he’d find a few years ago... and he couldn’t be more relieved that he had...

This is unbeta'd so sorry! And Comments are love XD this is my first EVER mpreg/wincest porn fic :P so go easy on me please! :D

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schmoop, porn, mpreg, nc17, supernatural, sam/dean, slash

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