Stuffed Animals - Schmoop Bingo - J2

Jun 18, 2010 16:53

Title: Stuffed Animals - Schmoop Bingo
Author: kimisgirl
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Disclaimer: I dont own any thing and nothing owns me!
Rating: R for rude words :P
Warnings: Schmoop, as in it's sickenly sweet :D
Summary: Nothing says "I Love you" like a room full of stuffed animals!

Jensen was dead on his feet but he would not give up until he had everything he was looking for. He had one more to go, this one was the one that really counted. If he couldn’t get this on time everything would be for shit. He sighed heavily as he pulled open the door to the small craft shop and headed to the counter at the back. Smiling politely at the woman behind the register.

“Hi, I’m Jensen, I called earlier, was told my order should be ready by this afternoon. So I’ve come to collect it.” He said and tried not to sound as exhausted as he was, but spending his Thursday night after a full day of shooting looking for and buying a hundred stuffed animals of all different kinds, was a hell of a lot more exhausting than you’d imagine. But it was for Jared, his Jared. The man he loved more than words could ever express, not even John Milton could have found enough of them to complete a picture of Jensen’s love.

It was Jared and his fourth anniversary and Jensen needed it to be special... he had to show Jared that this was it for him, that Jared was his everything, that this was worth everything that their being honest might cost them. Jensen just couldn’t keep hiding this any more, he wanted the world to know Jared was his and he was Jared’s. So... the obscene amount of stuffed animals was his brilliant plan. Because Jared... he loved him some teddies man. Like seriously, he’d get this adorable look on his face like he was looking at the most adorable puppy in the world and it had just told him Santa was real and wanted Jared especially to help him fly the sledge next Christmas... It made Jensen fucking ache inside that look, in a good way though, ache with just how adorable his boyfriend was, and how much he loved him.

“Here we are, just as ordered” the woman smiled as she showed Jensen to two very special stuffed animals. They were only small but they were perfect.

“They’re wonderful, thank you” he said with a smile as he pulled out his wallet to pay her for them.

“You are very welcome, I am sure your girlfriend will love them.” She said as she rang them up and then gave Jensen his change.

“Boyfriend” Jensen replied softly, sort of stupidly giddy inside, cause it was the first time he’d said it to anyone other than Jared or very close friends in the four years they’d been together. But Jensen was done hiding and he fucking loved the sound of it when he said it out loud like that.

He thanked the woman again and headed out the door and home, he had some work to do, he was just glad that Chad had dragged Jared back to LA for a few days. As much as he missed his boyfriend, and trust him, he missed him, it was easier to get this set up without Jared there.


“Jen I’m home!” Jared called as he bounded into their house. He had missed Jensen like a limb and he couldn’t wait a second longer to have his arms wrapped around his boyfriend. It was sort of stupid how much in love with Jen he was. Painfully in love really...

“Jay?” he heard called down the stairs from upstairs. He grinned and bounded up them, heading to their bedroom where he figured Jensen’s voice had come from.

“Yeah, it’s me, you miss me?” he asked with a teasing tone, his grin so wide it almost hurt.

“Course I fuckin’ did gigantor” Jensen teased back as he met Jared in the hall, hand on the door knob to their room, blocking Jared’s entry.

He grabbed his boyfriend and pulled him close, kissing him passionately. “Feel how much I missed you baby?” he asked Jared.

Jared moaned and chuckled. “Hmm yeah, about as much as I missed you then” he stated. “What’s going on in the bedroom, you got your other boyfriend hiding in there?” Jared asked with a smirk. He knew Jensen would never cheat on him, it wasn’t even a question as far as they were concerned. They trusted each other completely.

“Yup, just distracting you long enough for him to jump out the window and escape” Jensen deadpanned and then chuckled shaking his head. “Nah, got a surprise for you babe”

Jared perked up at that and crowed Jensen excitedly trying to push his way into the room. “Move, let me see, I want my present man.”

Jensen laughed, “Dude, your romantic side never stops shocking me in its intensity.”

“What, I’m romantic!” Jared cried, indignant, for a moment forgetting his need to get into the room. “Wait, is this a romantic present?” he asked slowly, suddenly feeling nervous. What if he was meant to have gotten Jensen something romantic too, sure he had his anniversary present ready to go but that wasn’t for another three days... could Jensen be giving him his earlier?

“Yeah Jay, it’s a romantic present and no, you don’t need to have anything for me right now. I know I’m early with this, but as I needed to set it up with you not here and it’s in our bedroom, which we need to sleep and shit, you gotta have it today. So suck it up and deal with it sugarcheeks.”

Jared grinned and nodded, excitement back full force. “Yeah ok, let me in baby I wanna know what it is.” He bounced on the balls of his feet and gripped Jensen’s hips as he waited for him to open the door.

Jensen pushed open the door and Jared gasped as his eye’s fell onto the second most awesome thing he’d ever seen in his life! The first being the first time Jensen had told him he loved him, the look on Jen’s face then would forever be the best thing he’d ever seen.

“Jesus Jen, baby, you did all this just for me?” he asked as he let go of his boyfriend and walked into their bedroom. He stood in the center of the room and slowly turned around on the spot looking at the many, many teddies that covered literally every surface of the room. The bed, the floor the chairs, dresser, wardrobe, you name it, it was covered with stuffed animals. There were tiny little ones, normal sized ones, huge big ones, one sat in the corner hit the ceiling with its head. They were all different colours, and types, bears, tigers, monkey’s, dogs, and all sorts.

“Yeah, I kinda did” Jensen replied softly, moving to stand beside Jared. Jared wrapped an arm around Jensen’s waist, beaming and looking just as happy as Jensen has hoped he would. “Just wanted to say I love you. Like really a lot, I love you more than anything else Jay and I want you to know I’d do anything for you, anything at all baby. You’re it, there won’t ever be anyone else, not now not ever. And I’m sorry baby, so sorry that it took me four years, four fucking years for me to wake up and see what an idiot I’ve been. I should never have asked you to hide this, hide us, not ever. I am so fucking proud of you, of us. And it’s time to tell the world Jay, I don’t want to keep us a secret any more... so if you still want to, I want to too.” Jensen drew in a breath and looked up at Jared, his face one of hope and love and nerves...

“God Jen” Jared breathed as he stared at his boyfriend in shock and happiness. He had been waiting for what felt such a long time for this day to come. He had known it would, he believed in Jensen and what they had together. He just had to hold out and cling to hope until Jensen caught up. And finally, finally Jensen was right there with him. He couldn’t believe it, it made him so, so fucking happy he couldn’t help the tears that flowed down his cheeks. “Baby I love you so much, so fucking much it scares me sometimes. There is nothing I want more than to be with you, for the world to know and to be able to take you out and hold you and kiss you and love you where everyone can see us.”

“There’s a little more to your present” Jensen said softly as he beamed up at Jared. He let him go and moved to the bed, reaching out and taking two of the stuffed animals that Jared hadn’t noticed crammed in with all the others. “Here”

Jared took the two small animals and looked at them carefully, a huge smile covering his face as he realised what was so special about these two. “Oh my god” he said with a booming laugh, he was so happy he was about to burst he was sure of it...

“Harley and Sadie, you had my babies made into teddies?” He asked as he continued to chuckle. He pulled Jensen in and held him tight, kissing him like he’d die without it.

“Love you so much Jen” he whispered when they came up for air, still holding him and the teddies tightly.

“Love you too Jay... now how about we call our parents, tell em we’re coming to visit... think we need to tell em in person don’t you?” Jensen smiled at his boyfriend.

“Yeah, you’re probably right” Jared agreed, but took hold of Jen when he tried to move away. “But that can wait, first I want you all to myself, naked and spread out for me on the bed, so start moving teddies baby, before I just throw you down and take you on top of the lot of em...”

He giggled at the speed in which Jensen started clearing stuffed animals from the bed...

schmoop, rps, j2, bingo_challenge, fanfiction, rating: r, fic challenge, jensen/jared

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