The trouble with Angels - Sam/Gabriel!Verse - Part Three [PG-13]

May 27, 2010 20:36

Title: The trouble with Angels
Author: kimisgirl
Pairing: Sam/Gabriel, Dean/Castiel
Rating: PG 13
Warnings: Schmoop, post the end of the world, some spoilers for all of season 5
Summary: In which Dean is stubborn, Gabriel is in denial and Cas is made of awesome!

Dean raised his head where it was bent down between his arms as he lent on the small crappy bathroom sink. His eyes focusing on something behind him in the mirror, green flashing dangerous and cold when they meet hazel in the grimy glass.

"You need to not be here" he growled dangerously, glaring, unblinking.

Gabriel smiled softly behind Dean and shook his head for the hunter to see reflected back at him. He wasn't going anywhere till this was over and done with.

"Seriously asswipe, this isn't anything to do with you, me and Sammy need to get this shit sorted out, now fuck off."

"I'm sorry, how is this not my business Dean?" Gabriel sounded muted, serious, more serious than Dean had ever heard him and something in his eyes made Dean shiver a little, reminding him for the first time in a long time that Gabriel was an archangel, not just a douchebag trickster.

"I don't know what game you're play here Gabriel, but I will not let you fuck with my brothers head, he's had enough of that in his life, and I sure as shit won't let you play with his heart." Dean grinds out through his teeth.

"Good to hear kiddo, because I have no intention of hurting your brother in anyway. The only one hurting that boy right now is you, and this attitude you've got goin'. Do you know how hard it was for him to tell you about me? About us?" Gabriel bristled a little at the thought of what a dick Dean was being, he didn't like anyone, especially Dean making his Sam feel like crap. The single light bulb that hung from a thin wire in the middle of the small bathroom flickered and swang slightly before Gabriel pulled himself together and continued to glare at Dean in the mirror.

Dean snorted and glared at Gabriel, ignoring the light flickering. "Yeah right, I call bullshit asshat. There ain't nothing you can say or do that is gonna make me believe you only 'want what's best for Sam' or that you're 'in love with him.' You fucking tortured him, killing me over and over, and you want me to believe he loves you of his own free will, that you suddenly grew a heart and then for what ever reason decided to give it to Sam? Yeah no, not happening, so fuck off before I get the holy oil and make myself a fry up."

Gabriel stared at Dean in the mirror for a few moments and then raised his hand, snapping his fingers. Suddenly a very confused and dishevelled looking Castiel was standing in the room beside him. Dean jumped, startled. "What the..." he grumbled.”Cas?"

Castiel just blinked at Dean as the hunter finally let go of the sink and turned around looking at the angel who had just been yanked in here.

"You're right," Gabriel stated pulling Dean's attention back to the archangel "Nothing I say you'll believe, so I'll let someone you will believe prove my intentions are genuine for me. Cas! Little bro, need you to help me out; your boyfriend here won't believe a word I tell him. He'll believe you though, cause he is like crazy in love with you but doesn't know how to say it, cause he's a chicken shit! Now, take him off and show him that memory you have in your pretty little head of the conversation we had a few months back. The one about Sam, you know..."

With that and a smirk Gabriel snapped his fingers and was gone.


"Ahh Cas, where are we?" Dean asked in an unsure tone, last he knew he'd been in the motel bathroom staring after a long gone trickster who had just outted his feelings to... well the object of his feelings. He was in short, shitting himself that Cas was going to ask about it, could he really lie point blank and tell the angel he wasn't in love with him? Avoidance was a much better option in his opinion.

"In my memory" Castiel replied as he looked around a field completely full of sunflowers in full bloom. It was sort of breath taking in a really girly way, so Dean decided not to notice the beauty and instead tease Cas mercilessly for him ever being in such a place.

"Sunflowers Cas, really? You like flowers do you Cinderella?" he smirked and nudged Cas with his shoulder.

"Yes Dean, I do like flowers, they are beautiful, I think you should buy me some when we go on our first date actually" Castiel stated matter of factly, not looking at Dean but at something up a head of them.

Dean choked on what he was gonna say and stared at Cas, ignoring the way the sun lit up his face and made him even more beautiful than normal... "Date...?" he squeaked, something his brain immediately wiped from his memory the second it was out of his mouth.

"Yes Dean, date, but first I must show you what Gabriel wished for you to see. He was being truthful Dean, he truly loves your brother, you know I would never say such a thing to you if it were not true. Come"

With that he moved of through the thousands of huge yellow and black flowers toward what Dean can now tell are two men. Dean follows still suffering from brain freeze, Cas wants to go on a date his mind keeps hitting him over the skull with.

As they get closer he can hear voices and he finally realises who the two men are, he probably should have realised given the context of the situation who they would be, but he wasn't thinking too good right now ok... thank you very much!

"You're crazy, you've finally gone and lost your marbles little brother" Gabriel said defensively, an scowl on his face.

"I have not... lost my marbles Gabriel, I am right and you know it, why are you so scared to admit it?" Cas replied, his face making it clear he did not fully understand the marbles thing.

"Huh! I'm not scared of anything pipsqueak. You're just wrong, plain and simple. I am not in love with anyone, much less a damned Winchester. That's your territory, why are you here, shouldn't you be off making gooey eyes at Dean 'shortbus' Winchester or something equally disgusting."

"So it is not you who has been following Samuel around everywhere he goes and doing all sorts of little things for him without his knowledge. Things that get you nothing in return Gabriel, making his bed longer, swapping his pillows out for better ones, reheating the hot water when Dean uses it all before Sam has his shower? Not to mention all the help on hunts, those two haven't had it so easy with hunts since they were children. I do my best, but my grace is weak, I know it's not me, thing is, so do they, even if they haven't really decided to question it so far. I can tell Dean is starting to wonder what is going on. On the bright side, I have not seen Sam this happy or relaxed for a very long time... maybe ever."

Gabriel snorted again, "Doesn't mean a thing, just back off ok brother of mine, you wouldn't like me when I'm not in a charitable mood"

"Just tell Sam how you feel Gabriel, even if you do not admit it to me, at least do that."

"Huh, yeah what ever, not like you're one to talk there Romeo, given Dean the heads up on how you feel lately?" Gabriel retorted.

"This is not about me" Castiel replied tightly, his cheeks flushing with colour.

Gabriel hung his head and looked away from his brother before mumbling quietly. "What if he still hates me... not like I could blame him if he did."

"He does not hate you, I do not know if he loves you as you love him, but he doesn't hate you Gabriel, give him a chance."

Gabriel scoffs and disappears, Cas following after him shortly...

Dean stood and blinked at the spot where the two angels had been, before he suddenly found himself back in the motel bathroom slumped against the wall, a warm arm tight around his waist holding him from slipping down to the floor and the face of an angel not inches from his face. His breath catches and he stares at Cas for a few moments.

"So" he whispers, scared that talking to loudly will break what ever is happening right here, and he really doesn't want Cas to move away from him right now. "You love me?"

Castiel gave him a small smile, his eyes gentle and amused. It stole Dean's breath away.

"This was not meant to be about my feelings Dean, it was to show you about Gabriel's feelings for Sam." Cas murmurs quietly not moving away from Dean at all.

"Screw Gabriel, he's not the one I care about right now" Dean replied, his forehead leaning forward and pressing to Cas'

Castiel actually chuckled then, breath softly hitting Dean's face, warm and it felt so good it almost brought Dean's legs out from under him. "Yes Dean, I love you, but you already knew that, how could you not?"

"Didn't know... not like that, not like I love you..." Dean whispered before pressing his lips to Castiels, in a caste kiss that meant so much more than any kiss Dean had ever given before. He just hoped Cas could feel it. It was stay with me always, love you, need you, you are my life all the things he felt but could never bring himself to say, even to Cas... his Cas.

Pulling back slightly Castiel smiled at Dean and asked softly. "You gonna go talk to Sam now? I think he needs you to, he cares about what you think Dean, a great deal, it will be very hard for him to be happy with Gabriel if he thinks you hate it."

Dean growled, wanting nothing more and to continue kissing Castiel... "Fine" he huffed "but then I'm takin' you out on that Date."

"I like that idea" Castiel replied before stepping back and letting go of Dean. "I will be back when you call for me" with that he was gone.

Dean groaned and rubbed a hand over his face before squaring his shoulders and heading back out to face Sam and more than likely Gabriel...

schmoop, sam/gabriel, au, cas/dean, pg 13, fanfiction, spn, part 3, slash

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