Dreams become real - Sam/Gabriel!Verse - PG 13 [Part One]

May 12, 2010 00:56

Title: Dreams become real
Author: kimisgirl
Pairing: Sam/Gabriel
Rating: PG 13
Warnings: Schmoop, post the end of the world, some spoilers for all of season 5
Summary: In which Gabriel is alive and Sam is slow to get it...

“Hey kiddo!”

Sam turned around too fast, stumbling over his feet and cursing loudly.

“Easy biggin’” the voice that had shocked him into action pipped up.

“No” Sam snapped closing his eyes and shaking his shaggy head wildly.

“Yes” the voice replied, tone smug.

“No, just no, you’re dead; you died, so you are just not here right now”

“Well your partly right Sammy” the archangel chuckled. “I did die yes, but I’m not dead now, and ok, yes, technically I’m not here, as in where you are now either.”

“Huh, what?”

“I’m in your head Sammy boy, scary place I gotta say” Gabriel said with a smirk as he fucking leered at Sam.

“Well fuck off outta my head dammit” Sam snapped.

“Yeah, not just yet Sammy, see the way I see it, you owe me, and now I’m here to collect kiddo.”

“The fuck, what makes you think I owe you?”

“I died helping you Sam, millennia I’ve managed to NOT DIE, then you had to crash the damn party and make me give a shit. And there ain’t no way Sammy boy, that I went through all that for nothing. Gabriel sounded angry, dangerous, even though he was still smirking.

“We saved the world, Lucifer is back in his box, isn’t that enough of a reward for doing the right thing you selfish bastard?” Sam was starting to go from shocked and strangely pleased at seeing the archangel again, to more than a little pissed, and more disturbingly, oddly turned on. What the fuck?

“If that had been the only reason I decided to help you and your douche bag brother - how is Dean anyway, he finally given in and fucked Castiel yet? - then yeah, it would be enough, but you see, that’s not why I helped Sam. Well not the only reason anyway.”

Sam stared and silently battled with which reply he was gonna start with.

“Dean’s not gay!” is what he blurts out before frowning at how bigoted he sounded. “Not that I’d care if he was, but he’s just not.”

“Oh sweetie, your brother is so totally gay for my brother” Gabriel replied, clearly amused.

“Why then, what other reason did you have?” Sam asked, deciding to pointedly ignore any talk about Dean and Cas.


“I’m sorry what?”

“Now, now kiddo, no need to say sorry”

“No I mean, what? What do you mean me?”

Gabriel laughed and snapped his fingers.

“What the...” Sam gasped as he suddenly found himself flat on his back on the cheap motel bed. With a damn archangel crawling up his body like a cat.

’Oh hell no’ his brain screamed.

Gabriel stopped, propped up on all fours when he was looking directly down into Sam’s shocked face.

“What do you think I mean pretty boy?” the archangel purred. The sound sending an involuntary shiver down Sam’s spine.

“Fuck no”, Sam growled, or at least tried to, but it came out more whimpering than he’d ever admit to.

He scrambled up the bed on his back trying to get away from Gabriel.

“If you think I’m gonna have sex with you just cause you grew a pair and helped out, your fuckin’ dreaming.”

“Tsk tsk Sammy,” Gabriel replied as he followed Sam’s assent up the bed. “We’re not gonna have sex just cause I helped out, we’re gonna do it cause we want too.”

“You’re deluded if you think I want that.”

“I can see in here Sammy, you can’t lie to an archangel, sorry buddy. I know you want it, I know you’ve wanted it for a long time.”

Sam shivered at the thought of Gabriel being able to see inside his head.

“I don’t...” he started, before sighing, the denial falling away. Gabriel was right, he really couldn’t lie to a goddamned angel.

“Archangel Sammy, and I’m not goddamned, Daddy loves me very much I’ll have you know”

Sam huffed out a laugh at that and shook his head.

“It’s, I...” He muttered.

“Spit it out Junior” Gabriel interrupted him.

Huffing again, but this time in frustration, Sam mentally prepared himself for what he had to say, even if it was gonna make him sound like a girl.

“I don’t just want to fuck in some dream and then have you piss off back to heaven or where ever and never see you again ok. I need more than that from you. I figure you already know why so I ain’t gonna say it, but there it is.”

Sam let out a deep breath and turned his head away from the angel above him. He wasn’t even gay, couldn’t explain why he felt how he did about Gabriel, and had been denying it for so long. None of that changed the fact that he did feel it though, or that if they did this, if they made it real, then it had to be more, Gabriel had to give him everything or nothing, it was just easier that way.

“I already know all that gigantor, you think I’d be here if I wasn’t willing to offer you what it is you need from me?”

Gabriel was looking at Sam in a way that made him squirm. He was being more serious than Sam had ever seen him.

“Why... why would you want that Gabriel, you’re not exactly the settling down type, and what about heaven, your family?” Sam’s voice was small and he couldn’t help the hope in his eyes.

“What can I say, I got a think for giants” Gabriel teased.

“Gabriel” Sam prodded, needing the angel to be serious.

“Listen kiddo, cause I’m only gonna say this once... I like you, I really like you. Okay, got it? Good”

“You like me?” Sam muttered, not sure how to take Gabriel’s declaration. It felt bigger some how than the archangel was letting on.

“Yeah slow poke, I like you!” Gabriel smirked down at him and Sam couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face.

“Not slow” he mumbled with his best mock pout playing on his lips.

Gabriel laughed quietly and leaned down, pressing his lips softly to Sam’s.

Sam gasped before gently returning the kiss, it was soft and warm and so much more than Sam had ever thought he’d get from Gabriel.

The archangel pulled back, a small smile on his face that Sam had never seen before. He couldn’t help returning it with one of his own.

“Believe me now Satchsquach?” Gabriel teased softly.

“Not a satchsquach” he muttered, but his smile showed that, yeah, yeah he kinda did believe him now. Kinda like completely.

“Wonderful!” Gabriel exclaimed happily, beaming, “Can we have the sex now Sammy?”

Sam burst out laughing and pulled the angel down onto him, kissing him soundly.

“Yeah, yeah, we can have the sex now” he murmured against Gabriel’s lips.


Later that night, Sam curled around Gabriel, both happy and sated, Sam haven given Gabriel his location, and the angel joining Sam for real, not just in a dream, Sam’s mind flittered back to something Gabriel had said earlier...

“So serious answer now, I know it’s hard for you and all... Dean and Cas, you weren’t being serious about that were you? Cause I mean, how could I not have noticed Dean going gay for an angel?”

Chuckling Gabriel peeked up at Sam from his spot resting on his chest. “Sorry Sammy, totally not makin’ that up, Dean is completely gay for Castiel. If it makes you feel any better, I don’t think Castiel has any idea either. Though he is so totally into Dean also” Gabriel smirked before kissing his way down a slightly stunned Sam’s chest...

“You ready for round two Sammy boy?” he purred from somewhere around Sam’s belly button. Sam simply nodded and moaned something that was meant to be a hell yes... life after the world didn’t end was really starting to look up, he thought to himself with a grin.

Part 2

pg 13, schmoop, fanfiction, sam/gabriel, spoilers (minor)

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