May 17, 2005 23:48
okay so i think this is ridiculous!!!! my journal is my business i never talked bad, i never did anything and i've had this for like two years its my way to vent and stuff about things that aren't bad but just aren't peoples business and i think its super lame that people read this that well yeah its none of your business and i have ppl that its okay if they read but they just dont have a lj so we're going to take care of that since im being forced to well block all my entries to friends only so you nosey people out there dont read my stuff. hi, im not in high school, and im grown, and oh yeah p.s. my business is none of your concern, yep k thanks!!! so im really mad that im being forced to make this friends only because well thats just stupid. but whatever guess thats the way you peeps are. so by the way, mike, or anyone else that reads this that doesn't have livejournal, sorry but your gunna have to get one if you wanna read it at all. so mike that doesn't mean you have to post on yours it just makes it so u can read mine. so lemme know what you wanna do. i love you boy! ;-)
and i will continue this after i go block it so those of you that don't log on to view journals, you need to do so in order to read them duh. k bye.