Mar 06, 2023 17:07

Yes, ma'am, that's a lot of letters. What do they mean?  SFO is San Francisco International Airport. So why isn't it SFIA?  Because that would be too logical?  Just looked it up. Had to have three letters...I mean, what's the X in LAX stand for? So maybe it's San FranciscO. Oh!

Anyway, that's where we are right now. The Grand Hyatt SFO for the CISOA conference. Chief Information Systems Officers Assiciation. Dave used to come to this all the time when he was head of IT at the VCCCD. Now he's here as a vendor. He invited me along. I thought we were actually going to be in San Francisco, and I think he did too initially. But it turns out we're quite a ways away.

I wasn't too nervous about packing and such, and Mike Rose was driving to the airport, so all that seemed very relaxing. But then we left Lemon Wood and were halfway down Wells Road when I realized I had left my phone at home. And my driver license is on my phone. Oh, no!  We had to go back. And we had to change our flights. But Dave and Mike were very nice about it (after the initial cries of dismay). And Dave later said we would have barely made the flight as it was. So, whew. I left it in the bathroom, because that stupid toilet always takes two flushes and so I was distracted!  Yes, that is my lame story that you needn't share with anyone. 😬

So there was a long time to wait at the airport for our new flight, but we had time for lunch (I had Margherita pizza) (it was okay) (and Dave shared his salad), and Dave and Mike had time for some business chats, and no one was stressed.

The flight was short, a little bumpy, and not very full, so that was good. A man from APOGEE (the company that bought Dave out) picked us up at the airport, and when we checked in Dave had booked it a day too soon and had forgotten to change the reservation, so he made a mistake too, so we were even, which was satisfying. And I was very understanding, Ha ha!

Dave got me a badge (free because of a nice lady who said not to worry about it) so I can join in the festivities if I want to. I know a lot of the people here from parties and dinners and from VCCCD, so that makes it fun. I might take a walk by the bay tomorrow...

san francisco, dave

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