Oct 26, 2005 09:10
Where have I been?
At one point in the beginning of September I had a major anxiety stress attack... but it's all over now and i'm totally up and running like a Duracel.
hmm.... let's see...
Vermont was absolutely awesome. Can you believe it! Kim actually had down time! It was lovely spending a weekend with the Monsees. Even more so... it gave Audrey and me some quality girl time minus when i got pulled over by a cop. Another highlight was probably a particular car ride with Justin and Drew after Sunday mass... haha. I learned some new things from these guys... things that crack me up every now and then. Spending time with Hitch... i learned a lot! I guess he really is the date Dr. As for Jen... we always have FUN.
My new project for the year is planning for Gospel Roads BOSTON. I'm putting so much of my heart and soul into this... it's a goal i've been wanting to see completed successfully. Tear-tears the program director with me won't be Fredy but i saw that coming cause there is a GR in Miami which i did with him this summer so it's all good. I must say, I can't wait to work with this new program director, what's his name... oh yea... Steve... haha. Everyone is totally supportive and excited about this new Kim & Steve Team... cause for the first time it's not the Kim & Fredy Team anymore! Meaning uh-oh... we have another one of a kind leader in the salesian world!!!
Let's just say GR Boston... it's def. going to be an experience of your lifetime. I promise!
For the week of Thanksgiving, I'm going down to Louisiana to help out with those in need as a result of Katrina. I don't know what to expect but i do look forward to it!
I basically come back from Louisiana and drown myself with studying for finals in December. I'm officially on break Dec. 20th! Christmas Eve is a sleepover with my cousins and midnight mass!!! We're having girl bonding time! Christmas day... still pending. Dec. 26th... as of now i'm going to be in NJ to visit the Confederation... but it might change depending on where i will be on Christmas Day. I do know for sure I will be in Central Islip at the Monsees house in the AM then go to Jimmy's new casa for lunch and hot tub! I think after that i'm going into the city with a whole bunch of Hauppauge ppl for iceskating... which i can't skate! Who know's what will happen... i'm there all day 28th too. Early morning i need to be back in boston by early noon... dinner with friends... fly out early morning of 30th with Steve to MS. WOO HOO... it's been 3 yrs since i've been down south for a vacation!
I come back from MS on the 9th... i think it's that weekend i'm back in NY for JLR... i'm taking my kids from the club to JLR... i'm going to be quite the travel bug.
Lots of great things coming ahead but must survive this semester first!
In the meantime... i'm missing somone... who would always speak my mind at the most random times ever... it's ok... you're in my prayers!