First post of 2012

Mar 11, 2012 21:44

Hey guys~
This is officially my first post of 2012. I'm not sure if my friends or rather other members of the dbsk community still 
follow my livejournal, but hello! I haven't been active as you guys can see from my lack of posts, and I most certainly have not updated
any of my fics. Despite all this, both accounts that I have (this one which is my personal livejournal and my fic journal: yanoeuknowyunho) are still getting friend requests, messages, pms, and posts so thank you guys for the support and people have been also greeting me on how I'm doing etc. I haven't had the time to say a proper thank you so I guess with this post I am doing so now.

Thank you guys from the bottom of my heart~! You guys don't know how much you guys mean to me, and to also see my pdfs of my old fics getting downloaded so much; it's seriously exceeding my expectations.

With this I do have to say that during the past year of 2011 I just did not have the time nor the will to write and continue with my fics. I lost most of my inspiration and the avid fan in me was no more. I would have loved to check back throughout the year, but alas college life is such a pain and such an excruciating drag.

Which ultimately brings me to my true reason as to why I'm posting now after almost 2 years. 
- I'm back? Haha, but for this year my goal was to be more active, per se, in livejournal and I'm failing so much right now with my first post of the year being in March.

I've also wanted to revive my writing abilities and get out of this funk that I have with writing blocks. First and foremost- chaptered fics that I have started will not be updated as of now. I have no idea if I will even continue with those fics. Secondly, I will start with drabbles, ficlets, and oneshots. I feel that starting small with a simplistic plot would get me started and inspired rather than starting chaptered fics right of the bat. Finally, I would like to start a new thing that's been going through my mind, and while this isn't my first time collaborating, it would be the first time that I'm actually trying to post with equal vigor. My second and third chaptered fics: Me Yunho! You Jae! and My SIxteen Year Old Bride was written with kattan69 and I thank her for the support and ideas and dedication she inspired me with for the two fics. I would like to say that I'm going to have a sequel for My Sixteen Year Old Bride. This, though, would not be chaptered, but a sort of oneshot series would be set for the sequel for MSYOB. I feel like I can take this plot out a little further and of course I would converse with kattan because she had the original idea for MSYOB. In addition, I'm planning to collaborate with some known authors and I hope you guys stay tuned for that.

All in all, I would like to thank you guys for the continued support and the continuous requests and pms- I'm just still flabbergasted that people continue to read the fics that I've written so long ago. Please stay tuned for my future fics :)

- Paula 


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