Tudor Coif Pattern

Jul 25, 2015 00:23

(Cross posted from A Gentlewoman's Blog: http://kimiko1.com/blog/2015/07/tudor-coif-pattern/)

Me, test fitting a linen coif from an earlier pattern I used.

A few years back, I offered a class at Great Western War where we made Tudor coifs. I made a simple hand drawn pattern that I gave to those students, and I scanned it for sharing online. But oddly, I never did back then, put it online that is.

Today after someone asked on a Facebook group about online sources for such a pattern, I remembered I had made those digital images back then. So I finally got off my behind and posted it to my web site.

You can now find the two images here, on my Workshop & Articles page from the main web site. It is under the heading “Make & Take Your Own Tudor Coif”. There was no accompanying write up on how to print and put it together, as that is what we did in class and I never wrote a handout to explain it. But you should, hopefully, be able to follow the simple notes on the pattern itself to work it out. Enjoy it and use it in good health (for personal use only). If you have any questions, feel free to post your questions below.

(Cross posted from A Gentlewoman's Blog: http://kimiko1.com/blog/2015/07/tudor-coif-pattern/. Comments can be posted here or there.)
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