‘Costuming Myths: Busted’ revisited

Jun 20, 2013 17:20

(cross posted from my main blog: http://www.kimiko1.com/blog/?p=207)

I was realizing recently that some of my old web pages still have life left in them. And then I realized as I was sharing one of those old sections over and over recently, that some folks are newer here and may not have been around when I first posted the information.

So today I'm going to share an older part of my web site, in the hopes it may help new folks learn, especially those who are involved in renfaires, and are involved in costuming for renfaires, or even for SCA costumers.

Costuming Myths: Busted

"There are various costuming myths I have heard about over the years I've been involved in the Renaissance Faire community (since 1987). I have since learned that such costuming myths are often perpetuated because people didn't know any better, or it was simply handed down as an easy way to do things. Perhaps people didn't want to learn better, or maybe they didn't have the time to research, or perhaps they knew the historical reality, but made specific choices for theatrical reasons. Sometimes in the renaissance community we make costume decisions because that is what the audience expects us to wear, or the theatrical or costume director has chosen a specific look for their event. The information I provide here is not intended to replace any decisions of faire boards or renaissance guilds in their costuming decisions. It is hoped that there will be an understanding of the reality of historical garment information, vs. the theatrical decisions an organization may make for their own reasons."

The images are presented in a way that you can go from page to page clicking the arrows at the bottom right near the images. You can also look at the full list of myths and read each one as you wish. The up arrow goes back to that list.

And the info there may be in need of updating with more recently researched information. Or there may be other costume myths you have heard of and wonder what the truth of the matter may be. Please, comment or contact me if you have any suggestions for updates to that section.


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