Hand Sewn Loose Kirtle from 2007

Jun 06, 2013 00:24

(Cross posted from my main blog: http://www.kimiko1.com/blog/?p=178)

Remember how a few posts ago I mentioned that I am horrible sometimes with getting photos posted? Well, back in the summer of 2007, when I just joined with the SCA and was also very involved with the local Renfaires, I worked on and finished my one, and so far only, completely hand sewn garment, a loose kirtle from Margo Anderson's Elizabethan Comfort pattern set, which is based on the loose kirtle and gown that is in Janet Arnold's Pattern of Fashion book.

So, today while I had the dummy in that corner, I put the loose kirtle on my dress dummy, took photos, made the photo album, and present here the first photos I've ever shared of this outfit, six years later.

I've worn this kirtle several times now. It is easy for me to get into, pull the lace closed, and later get out of it. I have a very old wool gown I usually wear over it. There are some issues (which I'll discuss in another post), but it is a pretty good workhorse outfit, especially when I don't want something tight on me.

The gown from the Comfort pattern set is still being worked on, well, most of it is done, and needs to be put together, closures added and finished. It is the closures that are slowing me down.

But now if you are curious, you can see what I did for the hand sewing, and the details of the kirtle in the photo album. Click on the photo above, or click here. I'll be adding the proper description page to my web site dress diary section soon.

other, handsewing

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