Blogging elsewhere

Mar 31, 2013 21:51

I've noticed that most folks have moved away from LJ, at least in their main posting site. Some do reblog to LJ, and I'm happy to keep up with them through the Friend's page. However, I'm also transitioning away from blogging here in the main, so that my creative blog will mesh with my web site a bit better. I may even redo my web site to be the blog site, but that is a lot of work to revamp things, so that is a ways off.

My creative blog's main page is here,

I will have to double post to LJ, as it seems the new WordPress program has not filtered to any good and decent LJ republishing widget/plugin thingy, and that will be a pain in the arse to deal with. Seems WP uses different code words that LJ doesn't like. So, with that in mind I'm trying to post in a simple fashion, and won't be using galleries for a time, until I can find a way to repost automatically from the WP format. If anyone has suggestions on what WP plugin to use that is compatible with 3.5, I would appreciate the assistance. Right now, I'm trying NextScripts auto-poster, but it has issues with "No PID" when connecting to LJ. No idea what a PID is, maybe personal ID, but I've got the right password and LJ name, and it is supposed to be really easy to install, and works up to WP 3.5.1. Frustrating.

Well, eventually I'll get things going ok, and then hopefully cross posting to here will be happening.

livejournal, other

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