Playing with hair to fit the English bonnet.

Feb 20, 2013 18:01

Today I spent a bit of time braiding up my hair, and taking photos of what I look like with the hair up and braided, then with the front braids taped (using a blunt needle), and then with the English bonnet being worn. The first few tries were not as good, but the final two photos seems to have done the trick.

The photo album is now here on FB (public album), and I put in all the photos, and the inspirational images (and a photo of my cat, just because).

So, while the taped hair braids seems to have worked in front, the hair in back must be on top of my head in a bun, unbraided, or it won't fit right. Also the front taped hair braids are definitely not enough to match what I am seeing in the historical portraits. Especially since the taped braids disappeared once I got the bonnet to fit my face properly. So tomorrow I'll be buying a fabric pen and making a striped silk front hair casing (or more like curtain or hair cover), and will add to that photo album.

gable hood, photos, hair, 1530s tudor

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