Wrist ruffs, and a gable hood

Feb 17, 2013 23:35

I've been sewing a lot this weekend. Yesterday at our Baronial A&S day, I spent it hand sewing the wrist ruffs, which I had started the weekend before, got stuck when I realized the one strip was twice as long as it should be and ignored it until yesterday. Both wrist ruffs got finished right before I headed home for game night yesterday afternoon.

Today, I finally got out the old gable hood that I had started in 2009, mulled in 2010, and sorta worked on jeweling the front whatsits last summer, is finally getting worked on again with the intention of finishing for Pentathlon. This afternoon I cut out the linen linings for the front portion that frames the face, and the back little box with the two hanging black veils. I spent the afternoon and this evening, while my husband has been playing Lego LotR, and the kids playing other things or with friends, hand sewing the linings into place. Tonight the two linings are done, and so are my hands. Tomorrow, I put the darn thing all together in the back, which scares me as I have no idea how well that will work.

I haven't had to insert a lining to an already shaped hat before, and that was interesting to deal with. The back box required a few pleats for the corners, since I made the lining as a larger square instead of shaping it the same as the box. The head framing portion I had to carefully maintain tension, without pulling the linen too far or it would hang lower than it should. I didn't want to add more contact cement this time as it actually can yellow when it is too thick in an area (as I am seeing happened to the silk in a few spots). I also should NOT have put on the jeweled portion before I put on the lining, as it got in my way and my stitches along the front is rather large, not as small as I would have preferred. Lesson learned (I hope).

Again, as I'm working on this, I keep thinking there had to be a better way. I've got ideas, but not sure when I want to tackle another gable hood once this one is done. But it will look nice when it is all together, and not as gaudy as I feared it would.

Oh, wait, I still have the striped silk I need to create - and I will need to buy a fabric pen since I'm faking the stripes. Still, photos of the main bonnet when it is done tomorrow.

ETA: Seems I didn't blog about putting on the silk satin with contact cement, hand stab sewing on the chenille cotton lappets, or trimming & pearling the front whatsits by hand sewing it through the mulled and semi-covered buckram. I recall then finishing off the hand sewing of the whatsits (gotta find the right name for that piece again), before I sewed it onto the edge of the front bonnet. I don't recall when I did most of that except the trim & pearling which I carried with me to the beach last summer, got it sandy from the kids shoes, and didn't work on it there at all. I was bad on recording all that, sorry.

accessories, gable hood, maas_embroideress, handsewing

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