Pretty fabrics!

Jul 21, 2012 17:59

Man, I have been blessed lately with more pretty fabrics. Some came from my brother when he visited from Japan. They were old kimono I can take apart, and an obi. And some came from local friends (Dragon's Treasure) that gave me two bags of large (a few was a few yards) silk fabrics, many damasks of oriental styles.

I think some of them may simply end up as pillows, nice pouches or something small since they are small scraps, roughly 1/4 yard or so. But...

There is a part of my mind that is pondering a full bustle dress, made from various portions of oriental silks. I think if I use a base fabric that is a neutral or a color that matches the majority of the fabrics it would work - or even a nice contrast? It needs time to percolate. And yes, I have wanted a bustle dress for years. early 1870s style, and have the patterns already. Just need a reason.

And my friends at Dragon's Treasure also spoke of a convention they thought I'd be interested in, and they plan to be there as well. Westercon 66 in Sacramento, next July 4-7, 2013. I've met the con creators, and have enjoyed CostumeCon a few years ago, which they ran, when it was in San Jose.

Anyway, it is something new and fun to think about. And with such pretty fabrics.
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