Many of you
voted for this as the next project, both on LJ and on FB (thank you for voting). So, twist my arm, this is what I decided to work on next. To recap, it is the short gown, to be worn over a long kirtle, as seen in David & Bathsheba, hopefully in silks in time for next 12th Night. This style is seen in a lot more images than I had realized (looking over my folder of those images). I'll hold onto all those for later, once I have done a full write up on this style of garment for Pentathalon (that is the plan). Btw, this may be a German or Flemish style with these sleeves, as the tapestry was created in Brussels, but the English did wear short gowns as well.
But I will share a few images, one of which you folks have seen before, the other two are new.
Gold gown
This is the inspiration I'm working from for the Short Gown project (that you've seen before). The sleeve is masculine, but I'm finding other images that show such sleeves were worn by women (see below).
Women in Germany
From Códice de Trajes. Hacia 1547, as shared on FB Elizabethan Costume group. My interest is the sleeves on the left side woman (wearing brown). Another documented source of those sleeves.
Brown gown
My focus on this gown are the sleeves, especially their drape and how they are split in the front to hang open. I also like the embroidery design, although my image is not that clear to work from. I may use this for the short gown mockup. Also notice the W-shaped front on the other woman's bodice - which is in The Queen's Servants book.
I really want to do the embroidered version, but I realized that in this next style, what I need is a good working model, so that I can have a better estimate of the lengths of material I will need to have for the final gown project. No sense embroidering far more than I really need.
Thankfully I have lots of pretty blue wool, waiting for me to use it for a light spring/fall gown, and mockup model. And my next major event, GWW, is perfect for the time frame. But in order to work on the embroidery, I need to set that up soonish, so this project needs to be done long before the end of September. Thankfully, I have some time (after I make a plain farthingale for an event next weekend).
Also need to decide - make narrow gold cord from the passing threads I've got (and buy a cord maker), or try to buy large rolls of it online, hopefully for cheap. I may have to haunt eBay for awhile.