More bobbin lace

May 05, 2012 21:47

So, I've not been doing a whole lot lately, as I've not been in the mood to be all that creative. But I've been in the mood to play with the bobbin lace some, which isn't so much creative, as it is simple and kinda zen in the doing. And that's ok.

There isn't a whole lot to share on step by step processes, as it is just cross and twist, pin, repeat a few times, tighten up the tension, and hope it all stays together when the pins are removed. Sometimes it isn't all right, but most times it is fine. Some I think will be fine once it is sewn into place.

So, here are a few photos to share with you what I'm doing. The silver is a test piece. The gold & silver will be my first major length of lace, which I've a small plan for if all goes well.

Pattern 18, Silver sample

A test piece in silver DMC metallic thread. Width ~ 3/8", about 6" long.

#18 in Gold & Silver

A small sample portion of the gold & silver version. This is just the starting section. Thread for both is DMC Metallic Thread.

Joining the pattern

Nice thing about working on a cylinder, is that I can just tack on a second pattern, and continue to make more lace until I want to finish without having to move the first pattern.

Rolling up the lace

It is just a piece of cotton batting that I'm rolling up the lace as it comes off the pins.

bobbin_lace, photos

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