Picot stitch practice in bobbin lace

Apr 07, 2012 17:12

I have a headache, but I am tryin to not let it ruin my day.

I did manage to play around with doing more picot stitches in bobbin lace with the old linen threads, just trying to figure them out. I've been having problems with the picot stitch, and have found nothing online that hints at anything to make them work out. I gave up on trying to do the Nine-pin lace pattern, and am just doing braids and picot stitches, in one single line, just to practice and try things out.

My book says to always twist left over right (l/r), ALWAYS. It also states to twist 3 times for the picot stitch before pinning. But I noticed that doing 3 l/r actually untwisted a portion before putting in 1 actual twist, and just would not hold.

Well, I tried a few different things, from doing 4, 5, and 6 twists in that l/r direction, to one attempt just going right over left (r/l) in 3 twists before pinning, then going back to the regular way of doing a braid. The 4-6 stitches looked ok while pinned, but when unpinned none of them held their stitch, some unraveling completely. Obviously something is not locking and holding.

Well, doing what the book said Not to do, I managed to make one picot stitch in 3 twists r/l, and it stayed and looked decent! It was the only one that worked right. I will be practicing this method, maybe with 4 twists, and seeing if it will actually work most, if not all the time for me.

ETA 5-2-12: I re-read the section once I understood bobbin lace better. Crosses are left over right, twists are right over left. I just didn't remember that, and thought the book was wrong, when it was correct. I am much better at picot stitches now. It helps to have larger pins to work those.


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