Not much happening...

Feb 22, 2011 00:28

... but I figured I would post a short bit.

Basically, I am finishing up my projects for Pentathlon, which will be happening mid-March. Not sure who on my friends list might be judging, so if you might be judging, please don't read what is under this cut...

My plans are to submit 5 items: my French Phyllis kirtle, my blackwork partlet, some orange preserves, an illuminated scroll, and some herbal soap. This is my first major A&S competition, so I am rather nervous, but I also am not in this to win the big title - just to go through this, get my major items seen by whoever is interested, and hopefully get some feedback for improving my skills.

These are what I will be submitting:

The Phyllis kirtle is in the process of being fully finished, although I am not sure I will have time for the full dozen fingerlooped braids. I don't normally do some of these nice finishing things on my outfits. I usually run out of time for the little details, so this is nice to go back and DO these things on this one. The eyelets on the sleeves are already done.

I am currently redoing the front hook & eyes, to set them back farther so the front will be flatter. This is not as easy the second time around, but with a couple of holding pins (that period closure), it does end up flatter in front. But I don't think I will do this style of curved front bodice with hooks & eyes ever again - it is just too fiddly and lacing has more give for the subtle weight changes. I am also redoing the skirt into a more even cartridge pleating, and changing where it opened to be close to center front. This will look nice once it is attached.

The scroll is in the midst of being worked on, with the style outlined and ready to trace onto the final paper. I need to practice the writing portion next. I plan to finish it up before the end of the month.

The blackwork partlet; well, the embroidery is done. The garment portion needs to be done soon - I hope to have it cut out and ready for sewing up this weekend at our Barony's first event (provided it doesn't get rained out). Otherwise, it will be done by the end of the week if I have to take all of Sunday to finish it.

The orange preserve; well Rob got me the apples today, just need to make it. Yes, the original orange preserve recipe calls for equal amounts of apples, along with the oranges. My oranges are not Seville oranges, and I can't get pippins right now (not around here). I read online that galas are decently close to pippins. Hopefully my not-sweet oranges from my own tree will be close enough to Sevilles to not be too sweet when we add in the sweetener. It worked last year when Rob & I made up a batch of regular orange marmalade. We learned then that the oranges need to be not so chunky, but not too tiny either.

The castile soap was made by me some time ago and has been on hold waiting for me to make these. I just need to buy a few more herbs to finish making up the period herbal balls. Thankfully, there is a local store I can get the herbs at, which I plan to do tomorrow. I just need to figure out how much actual soap to use, which may end up working out the other parts, then mix in enough soap till it looks nice. Also need rosewater, and since my roses are rather asleep still, I think I recall Whole Foods has it in stock, or they did last time I was there getting soap making oils. I may pick up more oils, too... as I want to make up some more regular herbal soap for my own use. Castile soap has a funny feel as there are no extra moisturizing oils in it, which I prefer.

I will have to say I've been frustrated as well. Not in finishing these projects, but ... I want to move on and make up new things, but I need to do what I've said I will do and get these done, and their documents written up. I've been working on the documents as well, and have set aside the weeks in March to finish them. But I want to embroider and sew other things, and keep getting new ideas. So, this month I must finish up these five items, so I can move forward again onto things I want to work on now.

preserves, a&s 50, scribal, sca, soap, phyllis kirtle, blackwork partlet

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