Bodice near complete.

Apr 11, 2009 23:39

The batteries are still charging so no pics tonight, sorry.

The bodice is mostly done. It was almost completely hand sewn with lots of whip stitching, except for the boning channels, which is partly why it took so long. I also procrastinated in part because of some dissatisfaction. But I finally hand sewed all of the tabs, and the stiff little collar piece; it just needs a lining, the straps sewn on, and lacing rings on one side (which I will put in later). I've put it on the dress form, pinned the side shut and pinned the straps snugly into place. I am surprised at how happy I am with how it looks so far, even with the problems I had. I really should reserve judgements until I am done, and not let it stall me as much as this one did.

And the problem area of the waist and lower, the five bones seem to keep it smooth and sticks it away from the dipped in waist, so there seems to be minimal issues below the waist. I won't know until I wear it for a day as to how well that will hold up.

Tomorrow I tackle the sleeves. Those should go a lot quicker, as I am machine sewing it up for the most part. Then the simple skirts, hanging sleeves, a ruff and a supportasse. I feel far behind, and yet it must be done in less than two weeks. Wish me well!

1590s b&w gown, handsewing

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