More than halfway!

Feb 15, 2009 20:56

Taking a small break from the handsewing of eyelets because my fingers are very sore. Why I do them, when I dislike making them, I don't know. But they continue. So far, 24 of them have been sewn on the effigy bodies. This means 20 more to go, unless I add in the ones around the waistline, which are marked and can be done. But... I think I will hold off on those until I get other parts done, including the French farthingale which I haven't even started on.

I need to find a new thimble, as the leather quilters one keeps sliding off, and the hardened tip is pulling away. I want a metal tailors thimble, but have no idea where to look for one. Ok, found one of sterling silver for $70! I think that's a bit much for me. And then there is a medieval thimble or renaissance thimble found here, but I know my fingers are small, so I don't know how well they fit. No idea where they sell their wares, so I could maybe try them on. eBay only has one, in a size 8, and I have no idea of sizing. I guess I will just have to deal with the thimbles at a local store, sometime this week.

equipment, effigy bodies, 1590s b&w gown, handsewing

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