King Behemoth popped last night with nearly 140 people in Behemoth's Dominion. Needless to say, we didn't get claim on it. Now, I understand the LS' reasoning for having quality players over quanity, but when we're dealing with camps of this size, it all boils down to simple law of averages. More people = better chance of claim, more quality people = much better chance...
PikaBlue did manage to get claim and bring the big KB down in 43 minutes. There was an accidental claim steal by NEC about 10 minutes in, but claim was quickly returned to PB. In the meanwhile, we set out to sea to pop a few NM's of our own.
I swear, I would just love to know what exactly the dev team at SE was smoking when they determined how some of the garden NM's were to be popped, let alone their incredibly stupid drop rates (non-100% drop on trigger items... gg SE gg). Anyways, after 2 hours of chip farming and general roaming around the area, we eventually managed to find and pop Jailer of Faith & Jailer of Fortitude. Faith was complicated by a couple unwanted pot adds, but we managed to get past them and brought the beast down. As for fortitude... fun fun fight there, especially when melee was having zero effect on him.
As I mentioned before, drops tonight sucked badly as not a single virtue fell for us from either NM. Congrats to Olarin on Faith Baghnakas and Civilie on Fortitude Axe.