Jun 08, 2006 15:34
So I have less than 10 days than I go back to school. I love school, and I really am excited about my new job, but moving all the time SUCKS. I don't even move all my shit, probably 1/20th of it, but it SUCKS. ALWAYS MOVING AROUND SUCKS. Always making lists of what to bring. I think I would be much less aggravated if I had a car of my own. I ALWAYS feel as if I'm and inconvience bumming rides, and it makes me feel lousy.
I still have to clean my room.
It's waaaaaay too small, and it pisses me off.
My aunt is moving in, and I have to clean the downstiars office, meaning jsut put it all up in my small room.
There is WAAAAAAAAAAY too much shit in this house.