Sep 13, 2007 14:32
I have gotten to the point of slamming it on my desk out of frustration. A couple months ago, I had my battery replaced. The shady girl at the shady AT&T store took a battery out of the drawer under the counter and replaced the old one. It happens that shady girl gave me a shady battery. Basically, my phone would only function on the charger. The minute I took it off the charger the battery would beep, indicating that it was dying. I put up with this for too long and finally went to a different AT&T store. I bought a new battery (not cheap) and hoped this would ease my mind a little. Wrong. The battery is fine. My phone won't charge. Is it the charger gone bad or the phone? So I bought this brand new battery for nothing. Ok, that's the first problem. I'm on a family plan. This means that my dad pays for my bill. Yes, it's nice. He's decided that I should pay for my own phone bill now that I'm making more money than him. I agree. I've had my phone since 2005 and I believe I can go ahead and upgrade or whatever. I was going to do that yesterday but I can't since it's under my dad. I need him to make all the moves. Basically, I can't go out and get a new phone and all before my dad calls AT&T. I guess I could. I could go in and buy a new phone. I'd have to get a new number. I really want to keep my old number. I also never figured the voicemail out on my phone. I've gone throught the manual many times, tried every option on my phone, and had many other people check it out. I've gotten many complaints about from others trying to get in touch with me. Overall, I want to throw the damn thing in the Ohio River. Basically, once my battery dies I'm not going to have a phone.
The fan constantly runs. This has been going on for well over a year. It's annoying. It shouldn't do that. I blame CompUSA. When they replaced the hard drive, shit hit the fan.
Everyone thought I'd go out and buy a brand new car when I got a job. Why the hell would I do such a thing if my current car runs just fine? I'm not quite sure it does. I've put so much money into repairs on that thing. The last incident involved a hole in the hose and low coolant. This lead to smoke coming out from under my hood. I just had to get that fixed. Now my AC makes this horrible crunching noise. Not only that, my AC only works when I have it turned to the maximum number. The heat started going out last year. That makes a crunching noise, too. The crunching is getting louder. Any ideas what the hell that is? The last thing I want to do is buy a new car. But if I keep forking out money for repairs, it might be the best solution. But when the hell would I have time for that?
Overall, the neighbors are very friendly. There's just one problem. The people directly below us must be deaf. The TV is always on really loud. Then there's the dog. All of the sudden, it went from being quiet to barking all the time. It's loud and it wakes me up. I don't think they make any attempt to shut the damn thing up. I don't have the nerve to go down and ask them to quiet down. I can ask people to save their poop for me to look at and ask them to pull down their undies for me to take a look but I can't ask a simple question to the neighbors. I'm going to take that damn dog and play fetch. It can go after my phone as I toss it in the river. Bye dog.
Now that I make more than anyone in my family and my dad is STILL in control of my checking account, I've become an ATM.
The good news is that I have today off. I got to sleep in and I got a Dunkin Donuts coffee. Life can be good.