What's this? Inu has an icon post with icons that mostly aren't total crap? GASP.
Weeeell..last night a friend showed me this gif maker thingy. o_o It was pretty easy, so i went a bit crazy. 8D;
EDIT: I've fixed all that I could, so they should be small enough now. It lowered the
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But I'm so amused by Alala..xD The backround looks like bouncing canteloupe.
Aside from that though, yeah. VirtualDub is really great, and I use that for my animations. It's just that I'm not that great with 'em yet, and my Imageready hates on all .AVI files. -w-;; Plus Ulead doesn't help much by being uber slow when it's converting a file.. -hisses-
Anyway. They're all pretty neat! xD You captured great moments in those animated icons, so that makes up for those little number things. :3
Also-- I was looking at the Yamibou icons up there; what is it about? o_o I see girls with schoolgirl outfits, and then swords, and then something to do with strangling. xD So I'm a bit confused about that. But I really like the artwork in that. (And AIR)
I've used Jasc before to make blinkies, but I'm pretty sure there's a crop option to at least take out the subs/numbers. Then you can resize it to your liking and stuff. But... -sweat- I haven't used Jasc in.. well.. 2 years. So I'm not sure. x.x; There's always the option of tutorials as well. ^^
Keep it up! And I'd love to see more icons from you! ♥
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